
Awakening after Awakening after Awakening while detoxing

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Seriously, any of y’all that haven’t tried to eat just raw fruits/vegetables for even just a day, I mean wow. 

I’ve been eating garbage lately, and decided to get back on my juicing grind. Holy shit. 8 hours later, my chi and kundalini energy is flowing so intensely through my entire being. My physical body is in existential grounded bliss right now. 

I’ve been progressing years of progress in one night, super productive, calm, socially benevolent, and envisioning my life purpose on an entirely God-Level of imagination. 

If you haven’t detoxed, do it!!!

Love Is The Answer: LSD Awakening


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@EntheogenTruthSeeker ok I want to try it out. 

You eat just raw fruits and light cooked vegetables the whole day? Raw vegetables lead to digestion issues, they need to be cooked for better digestion(=more energy) 

No Fish, no egg, no milk products, no bread ? 

What about nuts? 

Edited by OBEler

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5 hours ago, OBEler said:

@EntheogenTruthSeeker ok I want to try it out. 

You eat just raw fruits and light cooked vegetables the whole day? Raw vegetables lead to digestion issues, they need to be cooked for better digestion(=more energy) 

No Fish, no egg, no milk products, no bread ? 

What about nuts? 

Yes, eating only vegetables can be hard for the stomach since the fibre content is much higher than the you're usually used to. Cooking them might dissolve some of the soluble fibres and thus making digestion easier. I'm not sure how much fibres you'd cook away but be worth a try if you're having issues. 

Another way could be to slowly up your vegetable intake over weeks to let the intestinal muscles have time to build up for the increased work load.

And always chew raw vegetables well. 

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