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Motivation for Pursuing Enlightenment in THIS Lifetime

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Just thought I’d make a more positivity-focused video today for anyone feeling discouraged on the path. I believe in you ❤️???

Edited by BipolarGrowth

“Any kind of consciousness whatever, whether past, future, or present, internal or external, gross or subtle, inferior or superior, far or near — a disciple of mine sees all consciousness as it actually is with proper wisdom thus: ‘This is not mine, this I am not, this is not my self.’” - the Tathāgata

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Good video, I want to make a few comments on some parts. Around about 10 min or so you're discussing the issue of psychedelic experiences and even meditative states being impermanent. How we can experience high level expansions of consciousness but then return to the previous baseline. While this is a serious problem, simultaneously to some extent we have the opposite of this. Because these experiences can and do tend to leave sort of a residue of their effect on the new baseline state. Instances of people suffering HPPD proves that these things can become permanent(though that may be an obstructive example, it means also the positive aspects of these experiences could be made permanent as well). And I think you're actually an example of this as you can apparently reach high quasi lsd/psilocybin induced states just by smoking THC(which seems to be impossible for normal humans). So you clearly have some subconscious programs still running from your breakthrough trips on serotogenic psychedelics. It's similar to how I struggled for some time to divine via dreaming the future numbers of the powerball for like 2 years. And then after I basically give up(because I realized money is essentially worthless anyway) I've had 3 precognitive dreams since then which seemed to occur at random. Two of them gave me actionable information on what certain financial markets were going to do, and the other one showed me future world events. In all three instances all of the predictions came true, and were things that should be humanly impossible to know. So clearly I wound up downloading a precognition dreaming software in my subconscious. I also think this phenomena is exhibited in Leo, though he may not agree. Regardless of his level of tolerance to psychedelics from birth(he could be some rare individual who's always been unusually sensitive to psychedelics), I think all the 5 MEO DMT he did increased it even further. So now he's got basically this 5MEODMTBreakthrough.exe program constantly running in the background dormant, just waiting for him to do/experience something similar(like taking a tab of LSD, or smoking some  NM-DMT) to bring it back to the surface.


What I'm getting at is basically there must be a science to altering one's baseline state of consciousness(or maybe it's sort of an art/science combo). Now maybe it's too advanced for the kind of science currently being done by the human species. It just might be that currently exalted concepts like science and technology are too primitive for this sort of work. But it certainly must be possible to bring predictability and competency to this area. Even it if it requires to us to conduct our research from superhuman levels of consciousness.


In reference to around the 14 minute mark. Exploring the unknown possibilities of existence is an eternal task. However, without unlimited control of space, time, matter, and consciousness. We'll always have difficulty doing this as our methods will be limited and less than perfect. So while there's no limit to how many new things you can experience/develop spiritually. Pursuing omnipotence would seem to be most sensible thing to do(since it always you to do literally anything). And then at that point, the real work can commence. Now some understanding of relativity is useful with respect to what I'm about to say. We're all omnipotent already, it's just that in our subjective experience it's highly limited. In addition to that, we're also omnibenevolent, omniscient, and omnipresent. Your level of power is affected strongly by your emotions. The more positive you are(basically the more on the love end of the continuum) the more faithfully your thoughts manifest.  And the more omniscient you become, you can eventually use it to figure out how to become more powerful. And you can use your power to hike your omniscience. So, your power and knowing levels can basically chase each other like Ouroboros approaching infinity.  As for omnipresence, it obviously includes everything so it goes without saying that increasing your presence is likely to also make you more powerful. So they all(presence, knowing, power, and love) are entangled with one another, and basically can be made to feed into and potentiate each other.


In reference to the 25 and a half minute mark, what about ganja yoga?




Potestas Infinitas, Libertas Infinitas, Auctoritas Infinitas.

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48 minutes ago, JuliusCaesar said:

Good video, I want to make a few comments on some parts. Around about 10 min or so you're discussing the issue of psychedelic experiences and even meditative states being impermanent. How we can experience high level expansions of consciousness but then return to the previous baseline. While this is a serious problem, simultaneously to some extent we have the opposite of this. Because these experiences can and do tend to leave sort of a residue of their effect on the new baseline state. Instances of people suffering HPPD proves that these things can become permanent(though that may be an obstructive example, it means also the positive aspects of these experiences could be made permanent as well). And I think you're actually an example of this as you can apparently reach high quasi lsd/psilocybin induced states just by smoking THC(which seems to be impossible for normal humans). So you clearly have some subconscious programs still running from your breakthrough trips on serotogenic psychedelics. It's similar to how I struggled for some time to divine via dreaming the future numbers of the powerball for like 2 years. And then after I basically give up(because I realized money is essentially worthless anyway) I've had 3 precognitive dreams since then which seemed to occur at random. Two of them gave me actionable information on what certain financial markets were going to do, and the other one showed me future world events. In all three instances all of the predictions came true, and were things that should be humanly impossible to know. So clearly I wound up downloading a precognition dreaming software in my subconscious. I also think this phenomena is exhibited in Leo, though he may not agree. Regardless of his level of tolerance to psychedelics from birth(he could be some rare individual who's always been unusually sensitive to psychedelics), I think all the 5 MEO DMT he did increased it even further. So now he's got basically this 5MEODMTBreakthrough.exe program constantly running in the background dormant, just waiting for him to do/experience something similar(like taking a tab of LSD, or smoking some  NM-DMT) to bring it back to the surface.


What I'm getting at is basically there must be a science to altering one's baseline state of consciousness(or maybe it's sort of an art/science combo). Now maybe it's too advanced for the kind of science currently being done by the human species. It just might be that currently exalted concepts like science and technology are too primitive for this sort of work. But it certainly must be possible to bring predictability and competency to this area. Even it if it requires to us to conduct our research from superhuman levels of consciousness.


In reference to around the 14 minute mark. Exploring the unknown possibilities of existence is an eternal task. However, without unlimited control of space, time, matter, and consciousness. We'll always have difficulty doing this as our methods will be limited and less than perfect. So while there's no limit to how many new things you can experience/develop spiritually. Pursuing omnipotence would seem to be most sensible thing to do(since it always you to do literally anything). And then at that point, the real work can commence. Now some understanding of relativity is useful with respect to what I'm about to say. We're all omnipotent already, it's just that in our subjective experience it's highly limited. In addition to that, we're also omnibenevolent, omniscient, and omnipresent. Your level of power is affected strongly by your emotions. The more positive you are(basically the more on the love end of the continuum) the more faithfully your thoughts manifest.  And the more omniscient you become, you can eventually use it to figure out how to become more powerful. And you can use your power to hike your omniscience. So, your power and knowing levels can basically chase each other like Ouroboros approaching infinity.  As for omnipresence, it obviously includes everything so it goes without saying that increasing your presence is likely to also make you more powerful. So they all(presence, knowing, power, and love) are entangled with one another, and basically can be made to feed into and potentiate each other.


In reference to the 25 and a half minute mark, what about ganja yoga?




Psychedelics do have a cumulative effect of raising baseline consciousness. It’s just much less pronounced than many other methods in my direct experience and what I’ve heard from others. Leo has certainly hit more or less permanent shifts in how his brain processes psychedelics from so many trips. Why I think THC has been so effective for me is natural gifted genes (mainly from bipolar disorder) + lots of spiritual work to activate the higher capacities of THC (others with strong serotonergic trips report similar things) + USING THC VERY OFTEN ONCE I REACHED ITS HIGHER CAPACITIES.

The reason, or a main reason, I think psychedelics struggle to affect baseline consciousness as much as other methods is that people simply do not spend as many hours under the influence of psychedelics while this is happening in the context of serious spiritual work. I could use THC pretty much 24/7 at many points this year at this level of heightened spiritual effectiveness, and this basically put me in a unique position to be flying along at crazy levels of consciousness for essentially months on end. Daniel Ingram once said in an interview that psychedelic trips aren’t growing dendrites due to the limited time they’re affecting someone’s brain consistently compared to meditation. It is pretty difficult to live a normal life on serotonergic psychedelics. If you can unlock THC in this way of heightened effectiveness, it can synergize with normal life allowing you to create a snowball effect on your neurochemistry. The consistent use is key IMO. Maybe other compounds out there can do this too, but I don’t see any better alternatives right now. THC also affects the whole body with cannabinoid receptors all over the place. I think this works incredibly well with chakras and kundalini energy which was actually one of my main focuses this year both before and slightly after hitting stream entry. 

Regardless, from both my direct experience and reports of many others, nothing impacts baseline consciousness in such a crazy snowball effect like hitting stream entry. 

I don’t know much about the ganja yoga, but it sounds like I’ve been doing it at least partially. I mostly combined Bhakti yoga with the THC as a practice rather than any Hatha yoga, and it was unbelievably effective for me. 

The strongest manipulation of spacetime reality came while I was connected with a specific deity while in a bipolar manic episode and “delusional” by many people's evaluations if I were to explain the story. Absolutely reckless levels of faith in one’s beliefs and taking every minute sign in reality as a sign from the Divine resulted in me “teleporting” (although it’s not like I entered a portal knowingly or something, hard to describe — more like some odd warping of spacetime) maybe roughly 250 miles in THIS reality. I didn’t know how to control this or how it occurred. Just sharing it with you as I know you’re really curious about such things. It seems as if you really have to break ALL fear and doubts completely to access such a thing. I had objects teleport as well around this period in my life such as an item being left at a friend’s house maybe 150-200 miles away then ending up in my house as soon as I arrived home. As your “frequency” as they say rises, the chance for such supernatural things to occur in actual reality rather than just some psychedelic mental realm seems to increase. 

How you reach such a frequency is a mostly individual journey, and be prepared for it to possibly ruin many other more practical and normal things in your life. It certainly appears there are prices to pay, at least from my direct experience. 

Also, a last note on the THC use, most people run into tolerance very quickly on THC. Whenever I would start to hit tolerance increases, it seems like I got what I call a “Divine upgrade” where THC became more effective than even before the tolerance started to kick in. A lot of that process does not just seem to be a neurochemical progression but also affected heavily by Divine Grace. Frank Yang says that to reach full enlightenment there’s ultimately no way to even do something to get there. It just does itself. Even all of your spiritual strivings fall in this category, but you most likely have not realized nondoership to the degree to fully comprehend how this occurs in your direct experience. It’s neither free will nor determinism. Some type of odd automated process in which the free will itself was just created and operates by the conditions of Existence. It sounds like something you can grasp with the mind, but I assure you that living in that space with it locked in is completely different. As different as intellectually hearing about God Consciousness and it being present 24/7. 

Hope this cleared things up. 

Edited by BipolarGrowth

“Any kind of consciousness whatever, whether past, future, or present, internal or external, gross or subtle, inferior or superior, far or near — a disciple of mine sees all consciousness as it actually is with proper wisdom thus: ‘This is not mine, this I am not, this is not my self.’” - the Tathāgata

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27 minutes ago, BipolarGrowth said:

I don’t know much about the ganja yoga, but it sounds like I’ve been doing it at least partially. I mostly combined Bhakti yoga with the THC as a practice rather than any Hatha yoga, and it was unbelievably effective for me. 

Yeah, you basically have been doing it. I ask because it THC seems to dissolve boundaries in a similar fashion to psychedelics. Just not as radically so. Consequently, it can potentiate spiritual practices just as psychedelics can.


30 minutes ago, BipolarGrowth said:

I was connected with a specific deity while in a bipolar manic episode and “delusional” by many people's evaluations if I were to explain the story.

Yes, but you wouldn't have such materialist based judgement from me as I'm not a materialist.


32 minutes ago, BipolarGrowth said:

although it’s not like I entered a portal knowingly or something, hard to describe — more like some odd warping of spacetime

It sounds like the deity used telekinesis to alter spacetime curvature such that two points which were separate previously were now in the same position. Like if you were to have a flat piece of paper with two separate points, you could crunch the paper up so the two points are on top of each other. If you were to fall into such an anomaly, you'd experience yourself in one place one moment, then suddenly somewhere else entirely(as opposed to a sort of gradual falling process like you might imagine going through a wormhole).


34 minutes ago, BipolarGrowth said:

I didn’t know how to control this or how it occurred.

Naturally, the deity you encountered did the spacetime warping. I can be so certain because while it's theoretically possible for a human to do this, given the typical limitations we normally have it's nearly impossible. At least without seriously altering yourself, or being some kind of edge case that's born with substantial spiritual gifts.


42 minutes ago, BipolarGrowth said:

Also, a last note on the THC use, most people run into tolerance very quickly on THC.

Yeah, I've mostly decided to stay away from THC. But my studies into it recently have shown me it isn't necessarily the dumb hippy stoner drug I used to believe it to be. But actually is capable of seeing legitimate use as a psycho spiritual enhancer. Though I still consider other substances like LSD, Psilocin, DMT, 5 MEO DMT, Salvia Divinorum and many others to be superior to it


47 minutes ago, BipolarGrowth said:

Hope this cleared things up.

I mean, I thought things were fairly clear before and throughout but yeah. I'm mostly now just convinced you have a very unusual reaction to THC. Either that or I've seriously misunderstood the many stoners out there.

Potestas Infinitas, Libertas Infinitas, Auctoritas Infinitas.

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@BipolarGrowth what is the goal of your YT channel? I only ask because it seems fairly similar to what Leo is doing, but you may have a different vision of it that some of us are unaware of.

I don't want to assume and call you a copy-cat :)

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2 hours ago, Terell Kirby said:

@BipolarGrowth what is the goal of your YT channel? I only ask because it seems fairly similar to what Leo is doing, but you may have a different vision of it that some of us are unaware of.

I don't want to assume and call you a copy-cat :)

This was made 7 years ago, a good bit before I ever found Leo. But I even made a thread joking that I was the #1 Leo copycat. You can look it up lol. 

The goal has always been just to share what I’ve learned, my various philosophies, and try to help others in the process. It used to be focused a lot more on bipolar disorder before I discovered more advanced spirituality and my focus changed. 

“Any kind of consciousness whatever, whether past, future, or present, internal or external, gross or subtle, inferior or superior, far or near — a disciple of mine sees all consciousness as it actually is with proper wisdom thus: ‘This is not mine, this I am not, this is not my self.’” - the Tathāgata

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Has pursuing spiritual goals(enlightenment etc) always been your top priority in life or did you had other goals before.. like great relationship career financial Independence etc? 

Great video btw:)

You sound a little like Kurt Cobain from Nirvana band lol

Edited by DecemberFlower

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6 minutes ago, DecemberFlower said:

Has pursuing spiritual goals(enlightenment etc) always been your top priority in life or did you had other goals before.. like great relationship career financial Independence etc? 

Great video btw:)

You sound a little like Kurt Cobain from Nirvana band lol

It was maybe a moderately high priority goal for 7-8 years with the last 3 years being much more serious with it being my #1 goal at that time. 

I built my own (with a business partner) real estate investing company 4 years ago when personal finance and financial independence was my main goal. Before that relationships were #1 from age 18-22 so 7-8 years ago to 4 years ago. Psychedelics made me go stage green and back to relationships and spirituality. 

“Any kind of consciousness whatever, whether past, future, or present, internal or external, gross or subtle, inferior or superior, far or near — a disciple of mine sees all consciousness as it actually is with proper wisdom thus: ‘This is not mine, this I am not, this is not my self.’” - the Tathāgata

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