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What does it matter to you? Why do you care about the opinions of Western culture, and actually making yourself angry. This is all your problem, not society's. Society is developing at it's own (slow) pace and your judging it for doing so and actually getting angry about it. Again, your problem, not society's. 

Edited by AdroseAkise

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10 hours ago, AdroseAkise said:

@Matt23What does it matter to you? Why do you care about the opinions of Western culture, and actually making yourself angry. This is all your problem, not society's. Society is developing at it's own (slow) pace and your judging it for doing so and actually getting angry about it. Again, your problem, not society's. 

Saying to someone to just stop caring about something that was ingrained in them since the childhood is not helpful. 

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Society will think what it wants to think. You cannot control it. You can only control what you can. 

Concentrate on the things that you can change for a start: Eg your career, your health, your family and friends.


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Thanks for all the support yall.  Really appreciate it all.  Even the stuff I dislike and am mad at, like the posts above.  Some things I do dislike, and I wasn't asking for advice.  I'm fine with how I feel.  I felt it and worked through it and am allowed to be angry if it feels good.  Nothing wrong with that. 

But, it's all good and peaceful.  Doesn't bring me down as of yet.  Peacefulness is nice. 


Love it all (or at least trying to lol).  :) 

"Just a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down"   --   Marry Poppins

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