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Thorsten Fuzzi

Leo, how do I switch into permanently enlightened brain chemistry?

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There is no good answer other than massive hardcore spiritual practices.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Cut off all pathways to your thalamus and enjoy permanent sensory deprivation



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19 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

There is no good answer other than massive hardcore spiritual practices.

Thank you. I appreciate the honesty. I'll give my life to that.

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@Thorsten Fuzzi

One thought at a time so to speak. And the only experience of thought, is of one thought at a time, now. So it’s actually way easier than what you’re probably hearing & believing. Some thoughts feel discordant, some aligned, and it’s a matter of understanding the emotions you are experiencing, and then of feeling the discord & alignment, & focusing accordingly. Inevitably… permanently, enlightened, brain, brain chemistry, and even I switch… are much more readily recognized as self referential thoughts, or, thought story about a separate self which could do, or be enlightened. Daily morning meditation, and creating a dreamboard makes this effortless. 



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5 minutes ago, Nahm said:

@Thorsten Fuzzi

One thought at a time so to speak. And the only experience of thought, is of one thought at a time, now. So it’s actually way easier than what you’re probably hearing & believing. Some thoughts feel discordant, some aligned, and it’s a matter of understanding the emotions you are experiencing, and then of feeling the discord & alignment, & focusing accordingly. Inevitably… permanently, enlightened, brain, brain chemistry, and even I switch… are much more readily recognized as self referential thoughts, or, thought story about a separate self which could do, or be enlightened. Daily morning meditation, and creating a dreamboard makes this effortless. 

I see. But aren't you making yourself dependent on mental activity to maintain this frequency then?

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33 minutes ago, Thorsten Fuzzi said:

I see. But aren't you making yourself dependent on mental activity to maintain this frequency then?

‘Mental activity’ would be a great example of the one thought at a time experienced. Notice there is no ‘mental activity’ anywhere to be seen, heard, touched, etc. It’s just one thought. Notice also, the self referenced, is also the one thought at a time. There is no ‘self’ anywhere to be seen, heard, touched, etc. That’s also just a thought. You can’t make yourself, or not make yourself do anything… you could maybe make Nahm do something, but not yourself, because you are yourself. There aren’t two of you. 

It may begin to sound like you would have to ‘realize no self’, or something similar. But, notice, all that’s being pointed out here is what’s already the actuality of your own direct experience. Thoughts are already arising. Some feel discordant and some feel aligned already. The only variable really is relaxing, letting thoughts come and go, and focusing on thoughts which are aligned. It’s not an intellectual undertaking, it’s simply noticing what is simple, actual, and true. Like when you were a kid. Focus isn’t an efforting. 

More significantly imo, the entirety of your experience is already a reflection of this. Of what thoughts you allow to come & go, and what thoughts you focus upon. This has been the case your entire life so to speak. All that’s being suggested here is casually, effortlessly, noticing this. 

There is no ‘separate self’, which is or could be ‘dependent on mental activity’. The separate self = mental activity, which is more literally, one thought at a time. 

I’d watch the videos from the first video, but this one, at about 12:40 has an illustrated explanation of this. It’s cheesy and not to be taken seriously and I hope you enjoy it. 



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Read this book. Completely free yet one of the most precise and practical meditation manuals focused on the direct goal of enlightenment that exist. Maybe even the best. That’s a matter of opinion.

Implement the meditation techniques described in the book as they feel to align with your goals and desire to awaken. Use your intuition to try other spiritual techniques as they feel right to you. Being willing to go deep into psychedelic territory can speed up a lot of this, but ultimately baseline shifts in consciousness come from things typically beyond psychedelics unless you can find a safe and sustainable way to trip very regularly. You probably will struggle to find that with typical serotonergic psychedelics. It’s much easier for people to get the large amount of hours of intense spiritual work that are needed for permanent shifts in a sustainable way through meditation than psychedelics. In my experience it really does come down to hours of practice. You can cut down the hours needed by adding the intensity of psychedelics to the mix, however, a good number of meditators get to 5,000, 10,000, or even more hours of effective practice. It’s really hard or maybe almost impossible for psychedelic-only people to reach that many hours of significant tripping. 

A ton of other methods you’ve probably never heard of or most likely think are bullshit to some degree can help you awaken much faster. In my experience, the intuition is a great guide to discover some of those additional methods. 

“Any kind of consciousness whatever, whether past, future, or present, internal or external, gross or subtle, inferior or superior, far or near — a disciple of mine sees all consciousness as it actually is with proper wisdom thus: ‘This is not mine, this I am not, this is not my self.’” - the Tathāgata

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