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Meditation And Ego

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Hey guys,

I was watching the "what's wrong with ego" video and i can see how ego backfires on me. Even though iv gained awareness of how the ego operates through meditation, surely I will still have the same problems in life because I can't see through the ego in the way a substance like 5meo dmt would allow me. I can only gain awareness which is nice, but this won't really stop the "spitting into the wind" as mentioned in the video.

Any thoughts on how to deal with this without 5meo ? 


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You are trying to get rid of the ego, or as you slyly say, "see through the ego". Well, that is just ego, it's the ego that wants to see through the ego. But obviously, it really doesn't want to do that because that would mean the end to him. The ego isn't like a cancer you can just cut out and be done with it. It has to be placed in the correct perspective, a perspective which is beyond concepts.

You say you have gained awareness, but what does that mean really apart from being able to label some of your experiences? Gaining awareness is not adding more concepts to your reality, it's also not about getting rid of any concepts as well, It's about realizing the underlying truth that pervades all of existence. If you want to transcend the ego you have to go beyond all concepts and labels, yet without negating anything in your experience. 

There is no easy answer here. No person can give you a truly satisfactory answer because you already possess the truth, there's nothing here for you to know. And a substance is definitely not going to give you the answers you desire.

RIP Roe V Wade 1973-2022 :)

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1 hour ago, Schulzy said:

Wouldnt it be better if theres a way to do it without drugs?

Thats like saying, wouldn't it be better to walk from London to Scotland without and mode of transport (ie on foot). Sure it probably would be safer but the process would be gruelling and intricate.

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@rush So or so you have to do the work, there is no magic pill. Sure drugs have there affects, but 5meo doesn't make you enlightened, it only shows you things you don't see right now. 
Does it help, well sometimes. Lets not forget some people turn the whole thing into mental masturbation and robot elves.
One can reach "freedom from the mind" (aka enlightenment) without 5meo, meditation, etc.

My advice would be to stick to developing your awareness and be brutally honest with yourself (set subject included).

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The ego gets activated when your beliefs get confronted, for example if i said to you that your entire belief system is crap, and gave factual evidence for it, your ego would get triggered, and it would try to find any possible way of protecting itself, whether that being completely ignoring the evidence provided by the person that is confrtonting you,  or just running away from the situation. So the best advice i can give you, is that you should propably course correct the ego when it pops out, so be aware of it, and then turn it off, there;s also a very good docu i just watched which highlights some of your problems , so give it a look , its "Science Finds God" on youtube, its a bit weird, but if its actually true it can benefit very much.

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20 hours ago, Huz said:

Thats like saying, wouldn't it be better to walk from London to Scotland without and mode of transport (ie on foot). Sure it probably would be safer but the process would be gruelling and intricate.

Do you know the process?

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@Schulzy Sometimes it might require beating someone senseless on the head with a hammer while yelling "stop thinking stop thinking stop thinking" ;).

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The best time to meditate and do self-inquiry work, i think, is at night. That incredible silence at night is really good to make you see what 's inside. 

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