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Thought Art

Relaxation Progress

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I think with the progress I am making with Qigong, yoga, running, journaling etc and the recent energetic changes in my place I've discovered a new level of relaxation I didn't think was possible. I am noticing while sleeping on my grounding pad, or on my acupressure pad that I am sleeping so much deeper and better than before. I feel bright, relaxed and clear minded in the morning. My school is going well and a bunch of new relationships just opened up to me. This has been my most relaxed last few (despite a weird beginning of the week, but I let shit go). I think I am getting better at letting things go, relaxing into the present moment and that my nervous system is becoming more robust and relaxed. 

The deeper I can relax, the more I can overcome my addictions (which seem to be by the wayside now). I no longer crave smoking weed or hiding from myself. Things just seem okay. I am developing more self trust, and enough self love to be honest with myself when I act out of integrity because I know I take the steps to self correct.

My posture has improved and I feel a greater connection to my heart and sexual energy. It's also a lot of fun to share Qigong with friends and family. Seeing their reactions and results warms my heart up.

I think that being able to pull in insights of unitary states and embodying them practically in duality and the mundane day to day living is an art and beautiful

I am now taking spiritual energy very seriously and I will become increasingly choosy of who I allow in my space. I think living alone in a bachelor will be ideal, Or I want to put out and Ad to live with people that are yoga teachers, massage therapists etc because I think that would be a really interesting environment.. For me being around sober, clear minded, open and respectful people is the best thing I can do. That, or simply be alone. I think you can totally pick up other peoples toxic energy. I am studying for to create a more protective energetic field using Qigong and how to purge unwanted energy and store and tonify the energy I do want.

My mornings consist of Qigong, a dance party, a great breakfast and planning my day/ week/ journaling. I love it!

I also took more steps this week to buy personal finance books and I realize that in a few short months I will have my Accounting Diploma and Qigong Certification! My life is coming together! I think I will set up a simple and relaxed life, based on healing others and intentional living.  I've gotten back into Bullet journaling too, which I find is my prefer way to plan out my weeks and days! For me, planning is a spiritual practice.

For me, this is the real spiritual path. To unify my mind, create inner clarity and heal myself and others. To be relaxed, at ease and in flow with my work and to develop healthy relationships.

Peace of mind to me, is the greatest spiritual achievement. Total self acceptance!

I am learning to be a Real Person, instead of a good person. To face myself more. Here's to greater relaxation, peace and clarity going forward. It's so surprising how other peoples energies can alter a space and you only notice how much stress they emit once you are free of them.

I am also learning not to judge events as good or bad, but simply to observe them over a longer period of time. Sometimes bad events are actually a gift from God. Thank you God.

I am convinced now that all the hard work, suffering, confusion, mistakes, lessons, experiences, adventures and habits I have installed etc of the past few years are going to turn me into a mature, stable and happy adult. I love myself more and more everyday and I am accepting reality. 

Edited by Thought Art

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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Sounds like awesome progress, love it!

How does one go about learning Qigong? I've heard great things about these energy practises, it'd be fun to try it.

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@nistake There are many paths of Qigong as it is a large umbrella term which includes many forum of Qigong, Tai Chi, Tai Self massage, Kung Fu... etc...

I personally have chosen to follow the student of Mantak Chia, named Lee Holden!

He teaches a mixture of medical Qigong, spiritual Qigong.. The focus is on less stress more energy and regaining our power. I find this Qigong to be very intuitive and practical compared to Tai Chi!

Edited by Thought Art

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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Psychologists use expressive arts therapy in many settings to help people explore difficult issues in their lives.

Art, music, and dance are forms of creative expression that can help you process and cope with emotional issues, including depression. Expressive therapy goes beyond traditional talk therapy. It focuses on creative outlets as a means of expression. This therapy can be especially helpful for people who find it difficult to talk about their thoughts and emotions.

Expressive therapy can include various forms of artistic expression. This can include:





writing and storytelling

In expressive therapy, the therapist encourages you to use these arts to communicate about emotions and life events. These are often subjects that you may find difficult to put into words.

Edited by ayur88807

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@Thought Art Been doing 10-20 minutes Qigong sessions since I asked and I have to say it's pretty awesome! At first, I was a bit skeptical, but after the sessions I'm definitely much more relaxed and I can feel energy moving around in my body.

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2 hours ago, nistake said:

@Thought Art Been doing 10-20 minutes Qigong sessions since I asked and I have to say it's pretty awesome! At first, I was a bit skeptical, but after the sessions I'm definitely much more relaxed and I can feel energy moving around in my body.

That is great! I find the more I practice and the deeper I go I am going through paradigm changes. 

I was also skeptical at first, but it's pretty self evident if you just put the time in! Great to hear

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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Psychologists use expressive arts therapy in many settings to help people explore difficult issues in their lives.

Art, music, and dance are forms of creative expression that can help you process and cope with emotional issues, including depression. Expressive therapy goes beyond traditional talk therapy. It focuses on creative outlets as a means of expression. This therapy can be especially helpful for people who find it difficult to talk about their thoughts and emotions.

Expressive Therapy For Depression can include various forms of artistic expression. This can include:





writing and storytelling

In expressive therapy, the therapist encourages you to use these arts to communicate about emotions and life events. These are often subjects that you may find difficult to put into words.

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Thank you!

I have up days and and down days however, I am improving. I feel like I am cracking through my pain body more and more with Qigong.

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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