
How do I stop an addiction to excessive theorizing/thinking?

47 posts in this topic

Wanna know how to stop an addiction to overthinking/overanalysing?

Just ask yourself: what benefit is it bringing me?

I can spot it from over here?

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2 hours ago, preventingdiabetes said:

That feeling of unease from the overthinking is still there even 30 minutes in. I don’t think I’m focused on thoughts.

If you’re not focused on thoughts… how does it seem the feeling is do to thoughts…?

I’d write bout how you feel each day, and or talk with someone about how you feel. Lot of expression to do so the mind can more naturally rest. 



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Don't focus on the tot. Be aware, notice the thoughts and see what bs it is telling you.

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19 hours ago, flowboy said:

Life purpose unfolds in phases. Something can be aligned with your purpose for 5-10 years, and then you need to switch. It's like peeling the layers of an onion, to get to more and more authentic purposes.

Ohh I see. I think Leo said that in his blueprint  page for Life Purpose but that your generic Life Purpose doesn’t change while the details of your Life Purpose can change.

19 hours ago, flowboy said:

You don't have to do that particular one, but I have a feeling this is exactly how you paralyse yourself. By coming up with reasons why you can't.

I'm just trying to show you that you do have clear things that you are interested in, and you should go after them, the rest is overthinking.

You’re right. Thanks @flowboy.


19 hours ago, flowboy said:

Wanna know how to stop an addiction to overthinking/overanalysing?

Just ask yourself: what benefit is it bringing me?

I can spot it from over here?

What do you spot?  

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17 hours ago, Nahm said:

If you’re not focused on thoughts… how does it seem the feeling is do to thoughts…?

@Nahm I don’t know if it has to do with thoughts.

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1 hour ago, preventingdiabetes said:

What do you spot?

By overanalyzing, you get to stay in one comfy place and not move into scary uncertain stuff, possibly mistakes, just a little longer.

It's a comfort maintaining strategy.

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