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Work on your inner child (to all the spiritual bypassers)

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As well I've noticed in myself as in others that people start to go deep while having a general negative attitude towards life and themselves and a lack in discipline. 

Therefore I want to share with you the lense of the inner child work which helps you to create a perspective of a healthy grown up. I find it very useful for taking back self responsibility and so to say "bringing up your mind". 

It's basically what one should do as ground work to put you back in to control and integrity before you should go on to seeing that there is no control which I've seen here quite often leading to dysfunctional behaviour and unsteady growth and then people wonder why life sucks. 

So I've put a link down here for everyone who's interested in healing one's inner child. Leo talked about that in his older videos, too, but in a different manner. I find their videos a bit more resonating. 

Many of the more active members already know those things. On the forum, however, are still many more people reading more advanced stuff without being aware of the lack of basic work. So it's for them obviously. 

Edited by Seeker531

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Edited by Shin

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Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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@Seeker531 Great share thanks.

I think I've fallen into this trap and it's nice to see some resources to address this phenomena because I don't see a lot of spiritual teachers talking about this stuff. 

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