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How To Get A Deep Realization In Seconds!

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Hey Guys,

Firstly, this is not a post about an enlightenment experience I have had, or how to get to enlightenment. This is a post about a deep, experiential realization I had recently and how I got it. By reading this post, and maybe by following the message I speak of, it may help you develop very deep realization that could only be possible by weeks of meditation.

If this post is too long, skip to the The Message Part

****Leading up to the experience****

I, by nature, am a very skeptical person. And so, being very skeptical, I started a spirituality experiment that lasted about 1 whole year. Coming from a very scientific background, I was very skeptical of the ways in which people just took for granted that someone was enlightened, like Mooji or Eckhart Tolle without and empirical validation. So I decided, which ended up lasting for about an entire year, I would pretend to be an enlightened being, and see how easily it would be to decept people into thinking that I had an enlightenment experience, and had practiced spirituality for a long time, without actually doing/having any of those things.

I started off on youtube(June 2015), replying to people's comments about enlightenment as if I myself were enlightened, telling them the common dogma of 'enlightenment isn't a thing' 'its nothing' and that you are what you already are, without actually understanding what I was saying. I was quite shocked at the responses, people praised me for being on the enlightenment path, and for helping them get an epiphany that they had never achieved before.

I thought wow, if its this easy to decept people on youtube, I wonder how easy it is to decept actual new age and buddhist movements face to face. I approached my first victims, a buddhist group at my university. I went there a few times, acted really calm, told them the same dogma that you hear from spiritual teachers 'accept everything the way that it is' 'its beautiful the way that it is' and the people stared at me, with light struck eyes, as if they were staring directly into the face of the Buddha himself. They asked me for advice on how to solve their problems, I, like an actor, pretended to know, and faked it as part of the experiment. My head slightly concerned, continued to echo the phrase for the next 6 weeks "Come on, I'm just pretending, surely they can sense that its all an experiement.". But for the next 6 months or so, they failed to even get the slightest hint that this was all a joke developed for my own skepticism.

In fact, they believed me so much, that even I was starting to believe my own BS, without actually realizing it. I kind of knew and remembered that it was all game I was playing, but due to the sheer belief these people had in me, I dug a huge hole that was so big and consuming, I began to internalize my own BS. 

I began to almost forget that I wasn't enlightened, even though if one of my non spiritual friends had asked me, I would have still said it was an experiment. I continued to watch Leos videos with skepticism, and totally followed his advice about how to not be dogmatic, and treat everything as just a belief, which I did. I had a friend at university who was into Buddhism heaps, and believed that the Buddha had spiritual powers, and that Sadghuru had powers as well. And given how deep of a hole I created for myself, I began to believe that! While still telling myself how open minded I was. I began to believe everything Eckart Tolle said, and Leo said, and Shinzen Young said, while also believing that I didn't actually believe any of it.

I started treating spirituality like a game, where I had to level up to a higher level. I started meditating with my Buddhist group every morning for 3 hours, just so we could get a deeper meditative experience, and so that we could develop psychic powers. It became an extremely painful experience, because while in the end I knew it was all from an experiment, I started to fully become immersed into pure spiritual dogma. And just the fact that it wasn't real, made it ultimately a painful experience.

****The break of the spiritual ego****

This hole was so huge, that it finally began to start crumbling. My lack of fulfillment and desire started to pierce through my spiritual ego's deceptions. I ended up telling my entire group at university, and also a friend online, that who I truely was, wasn't an enlightened dude, but that it was all an experiment. Some people were really shocked, some people started hating on me because of how much I egged them on, some people just couldnt believe it, and just thought i was pretending for some spiritual reason.

just the act of telling them brought me back down to earth. I instantly fully realized again how all of it was just a trick I played on myself and others, and how in actuality, the belief in spiritual powers, Buddhism, and everything Leo said was all something that wasn't ultimately real. 

But the difference between now, and earlier this year, is that because of the radical open mindedness I practiced, I didnt have a strong grip on science anymore either. 

I dropped every single belief about spirituality, as if spirituality was just like a fundamental christian church cult, and Leo and Eckart Tolle was deluded, like every other person on this planet. 

****The Experience****

Just as I dropped every single belief I had about spirituality, for a few seconds, I saw something that I will never forget. It became very apparent to me, that everything I ultimately believed in, was completely false. Nothing that you believe in actually exists. 

After realizing that spirituality was false, I felt like I had just become extremely sober. Its like I had been drunk all of my life, and then finally the alcohol had worn off, and I could see everything for what it really was. It was like, everything before this experience, was me living in a dream, a dream constructed from my web of beliefs. It was like that feeling you get when you wake up from sleeping, but x1000000. I was staring outside at the time, and it became very obvious that the separation between the different trees didnt actually exist, everything merged into 1 big collage. 

Every single event in life, every single object in reality, is shaped by your psyche. Everything, from going to university, to going to the movies, to picking up a cup, are all apart of your web of beliefs. I heard my parents in the kitchen, arguing about the American presidency, and honestly it felt like they were both living in a dream, and didn't realize it. It was an extremely isolating feeling, in a good way. 

Only when I stopped believing in spirituality, did I truely at least half heartedly understand what Leo was talking about in his videos.

I thought I was dropping my beliefs, when I started tolerating every belief thrown at me, but now to my shock, I realize that was all a delusion. I was deluding myself into thinking that I was dropping beliefs, when in fact that belief that I was dropping beliefs was a belief in itself!

The worst mistake I made on this path, was that I thought I knew what higher consciousness felt like. I thought I knew what enlightenment was, and I was trying to match that belief with the real world, oh how deluded I was.

Everything I thought I knew about spirituality, was completely wrong.

Everything I knew in general was wrong.

Everything was just a product of the matrix.

It only lasted a few seconds, but in those few seconds, I felt a deep sense of relief and calmness, it was beautiful. 

****The Message****

What I realized from this experiment, was a realization of how complex and how difficult this enlightenment stuff really is. You can't set a goal for yourself for this stuff. Because ultimately the goal is a belief, and it will mislead you. 

The ego is extremely sneaky. Never ever ever ever trust it!! IF you think you are open minded, or that you are enlightened, or anything else, you have already become lost on this path. Some beliefs go 100 levels deep!

But the most important realization I had was the trap I fell into when I started believing stuff spiritual teachers said, while telling myself that I didn't believe it. If you want to have a deeper realization that what you currently have. Don't believe anything! This ultimately means, everything Leo has told you in your videos, are all apart of the matrix. Believe in Leo's content as much as you would believe in Santa Clause. Being open minded doesn't mean you believe in everything, in fact its the opposite, it means you DONT believe in anything!! 



Hope this helps someone



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This is quite an interesting story you told here. Thanks for sharing. 

Yes, I do agree that we are living in the "Matrix" and to drop all beliefs. However, speaking from my own experience, this path also is a paradox. That's why they call it nothingness as well as everythingness. The opposites are true. It's just like saying there's no up or down in space. Since we're also talking about the everythingness, life is meant to be lived. Life has meaning. We are put here for a reason. Our spiritual paths are unique, and so on and so on. That's why the quote below really resonates with me. As we go along our paths, it does trigger 'ah-ha' moments.



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10 hours ago, electroBeam said:

Don't believe anything

@electroBeam I am like an idiot my mind is so empty. Tao Ta Ching

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^ If this is genuine then things are probably going to get hectic in the coming months/years as you try to understand it.

Heads up.

(you don't have to believe this if you don't want to.)

Hang in there buddy ;)

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