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No self specific facet realization

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Hey guys, I've seen some confusion around the whole no self realization so I just wanted to check my experience of it against others.

In my experience, which I have had a couple of times, I just became conscious that the shapes and the colours were actually imagining myself as a human and that the shapes, colours and the bubble was actually what I am made of. I guess you could say I became conscious that what I was made from was consciousness and not physical reality.

Is this considered the no-self facet of awakening?

This might clear up some confusion for myself and others.



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No, that does not sound like a clear no-self. That was a glimpse into what consciousness is and a seeing through the illusion of materialism.

No-self is simply when you clearly realize there never was a human self. It will fee like: "OF COURSE! How could I have been dumb as to ever believe there was a self?!!! What the fuck is a 'self' anyway?!!! Of course there's no self!"

It's very clear and obvious when you hit it.

It will help you to contemplate: "What is a self?"

Like, seriously! What is it?

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Ahhhh I see, I will continue my contemplation. Thank you Leo. Would you consider this any specific facet of awakening? 

I feel like I've had other facets, but skipped this one. Which seems to be strange considering it's a basic facet of awakening.

Edited by Godishere

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12 minutes ago, Godishere said:

Would you consider this any specific facet of awakening?

You are starting to realize that everything is Consciousness. Which is very important. But it's still shallow. You can go much deeper in that realization.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

It will help you to contemplate: "What is a self?"

Like, seriously! What is it?


How do I know “I am?” I know I am because I know I am? “I know because I know?” ? Is it really that circular? Where exactly is this claim “I am” coming from? Should be easy to find...right? Etc.

@Godishere And maybe try the intense spiritual search:

Simply turn away from all experience:

By first repeatedly and diligently turning toward (hunting) the supposed “knower” (subject of every thought/object) — the knowing subject which seems ever-present and unchanging,

And then by relaxing voluntary effort (intending neither action nor inaction) while allowing mental and physical activity to go on of its own accord (without you), and ignoring all experience/thought except for the intention to do just that,

And then finally, when all that’s left is just spaciousness or witnessing, apply this intention (to turn away from each object/experience/thought either by relaxing/ignoring it or by turning toward its “knower”) even to itself.

Edited by The0Self

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Is the no self realization the same as realizing the self does not exist? "The self" only exists in the mind but is not the mind and is not the body and therefore is not attached to anything and is instead just everything that you experience? If so I have had this realization that I often try to tell people and they tell me it's 'obvious' without really getting it to the degree I understand it as. I think when I tell them this they are believing I mean a 'spirit' or 'soul' or 'mind' but what I mean is kind of the self as nothing. 

Edited by Gianna

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18 minutes ago, Gianna said:

Is the no self realization the same as realizing the self does not exist?

Yes, if you mean the biographical self (ego).

Once you realize that then you can realize The Self as the whole Universe rather than a human self.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura Yay! Yes that is what I meant. :) When you say 'the whole universe' is that just everything you are imagining at the moment you are imagining it?  

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5 minutes ago, Gianna said:

When you say 'the whole universe' is that just everything you are imagining at the moment you are imagining it?

It's literally EVERYTHING. Every possible thing that could ever be imagined.

Imagine a green flamingo with a dildo strapped to his head and two ass holes on ice skates. It's that. And everything else you could ever imagine.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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