
Pickup Express

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The Ukrainian called Lada says she wants to meet up next week. Let's see what is going to happen. Because of the super high flake rates I lost hope and I don't trust these girls. 

I did 6 approaches today and I closed 2. Tall blonde fit girl called Michelle and a very sensual red head called Jard.  The first one was a quick close. It was a driveby on my bicycle. The other one was sitting on a bench. 

This is what I learned: letting her invest is so important. Things like

  • Letting her qualify
  • Talking about myself and switching between multiple subjects to see what peeks her interest; letting her ask questions 
  • Using litmus test question to peek interest: what do you want to ask me?
  • Not asking boring questions; touching upon motivations 
  • But above all; exchange of emotional interaction is so key. I'm too fucking logical and not enough emotional. I kind of push myself to be emotionally exuberant and it really helps. 


Edited by StarStruck

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I really wanted a date this coming weekend. All of them flaked. I'm so sad. I'm just going to surrender to the sadness and I'm not going to fight it.  

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The Ukranian girl called Lada canceled our first date. What is the problem of these girls and canceling dates 1-2 hours before the date? I'm getting so tired of these girls, man. She ask if we can postpone it to next week. 

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Bro, how's the journey? (Even if you've currently stopped cold approach)

"I wanted only to try to live in accord with my true Self. Why was that so very difficult?" - Herse

"As soon as you trust yourself, you will know how to live.” - Goethe

"There are no bad parts" - Schwartz

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My pickup endeavors are still very bumpy. I can get girls interested in me but they quickly get disinterested once they get to know me. I'm not sure what the problem is. Probably I'm too boring, I'm not qualifying them enough and not letting them jump through my hoops. The most recent girl got frustrated because she didn't get enough attention from me and stopped acting feminine around me. 

It is frustrating. Pickup is forcing me to turn inwards. Just too many land mines from my past that just fuck shit up. 

This girl told me she wasn't sure about my intentions and I think it is over. Previously she was complaining about me not giving her enough attention and that my vibe was off compared to the beginning. 

We met like two times to train in the gym and the vibe was good.  She liked it and bombarded me with text but somewhere in the middle of the week started being annoying. I think there wasn't enough man to woman dynamic through texting. I'm just a sucker with text game. :/

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On 24/08/2021 at 3:23 AM, SLuxy said:

Bro, how's the journey? (Even if you've currently stopped cold approach)

I put it on a slow burner. 

I'm just too frustrated with my lack of results. My outer game is on par but my inner game is just so off. I'm too needy and depending. Too much stuff from the past. I need to work on my inner shit because it is sabotaging my progress. 

I'm busy with solving what Owen is talking about:


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On 10/6/2021 at 3:20 AM, StarStruck said:

Tonight I saw infinity in a girl's eyes...?

And how did that happen?

Last time you were saying that you couldn't look into a girl's eyes, now you say you saw infinity!?

It sounds mumbo jumbo...:D

Edited by AriSujan

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I seduced this Polish girl called Lea. I went on a date with her the next day. I made a topic about her:

I'm trying to look at this both from a glass half full and glass half empty.

Positives of this date:

  • It ignited my inner fire for self improvement and realization of my life purpose
  • it gave me reference experience with the most beautiful girl I dated
  • I fucked up as you can read in the thread, but fuckups are as much value as successes

Negatives of this date

  • My selfesteem is hurt and most important I'm trying to hate myself or hate aspects of myself.
  • Truth is that I hate my awkwardness, introvertness, boringness and silence
  • This emotional labor I need to recover from this sucks


Although it sucks donkey balls to put my balls on the copping block, I do see it in perspective: one day I'm going to die and how much is this going to influence me in the grand scheme of things? I won't remember this at my death bed but how nice would it be to enjoy my life, enjoy my youth, and be on my death bed with a huge smile?


On 8-10-2021 at 3:35 PM, AriSujan said:


And how did that happen?

Last time you were saying that you couldn't look into a girl's eyes, now you say you saw infinity!?

It sounds mumbo jumbo...:D

I have trouble in social settings where there are a lot of girls. One on one I have good eye contact. It is not so hard to understand. :P

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Update about my psychological state after yesterday's date and resulting rejection. ? 

This is really the straw that broke the camels back. ? 

My internal fire ?  is raging. I want to tear something apart. Punch something. Conquer a fucking country. Beat a squeel with a bat. 

I really don't give a fuck (!!) about women anymore. I give only a fuck in the extend that it will give me what I want. That is how they are. 

Just like in the famous words: you are all about her and she is all about hers as Lil Wayne says:

Girls are forming what I will become. It is a process. It will take time but I'm going balls deep. Really not giving a fuck is not easy and it will take time. At the end of this year "I will fuck what I want and fuck what I don't!"

Edited by StarStruck

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I decided to pickup again. As you can see in the journey, I was offline between begin-August to the middle of October.

It will be low intensity pickup. I'm over hyperactivity. I have the skills to get phone numbers with minimal effort. My effort is really on my self, inner game (self-acceptance and self-transformation), and most importantly my work ethic and LP.

My mindset is totally different than in the beginning of my journey. Girls really disappointed me and I'm learning a lot from them. And the more I learn about them, the more I learn about myself.

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Night game

Night game is new for me. Day before yesterday I went out and that was great and I went out this night and it was awful.

There were only total bitches and me as a nice guy just didn't make any chance. In such "bad ass clubs" confidence and knowhow is all that counts.

There was one girl who respected me and my approach and I felt like a wolf without teeth. I'm trying to have compassion for myself. I'm new with night game and it is totally different compared to day game.

I got rejected like 10 times in a night and it really stung because there was a friend who was watching. If no one is watching I wouldn't even care.

Edited by StarStruck

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@StarStruck Yeah... nightgame is another different beast. I am not saying is easier or more difficult than daygame. But yeah it´s more energy-based than daygame. (And more harsh rejections happen too.)

May you realize you are sitting on your Inmortal Throne of Bliss, and you have no obligations of any kind but to enjoy What You Are. Shambo

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8 hours ago, Javfly33 said:

@StarStruck Yeah... nightgame is another different beast. I am not saying is easier or more difficult than daygame. But yeah it´s more energy-based than daygame. (And more harsh rejections happen too.)

There were actually some girls that were interested but I just didn't know how to verbally and physically escalate during such a night. 

The girls were watching like "this guy is not knowing what he is doing". I was attacking myself but also giving myself slack. I'm new to night game. I don't have this with day game. 

With night game I have to learn the verbals and know how to physically escalate. 

Night game is day game on hyperbole. For introvert guys it is more difficult for the reason you explained. 

I actually got one phone number but that doesn't mean much with night game. 

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I did some approaches today. I felt low energy but I pushed myself to do 3 approaches. I ended up doing 5.  Some notes:

  • Pickup works much better if you compartmentalize it: focus on only 1 or 2 subskills.  Today I focused on subcommunication and free association.
  • Subcommunication and free association is so key: I never focused on these two subskills on a whole session. I noticed how I lack in this compartment. My opening is very strong and I get emotional rapport: where I really fuck up is that I emotionally disengage after couple of minutes into the conversation and girls notice that. I'm known for emotional dissociation so I was already aware of this social quirk I have. I'm already working for months on this and it is going better but I still do it. I need to have patience with myself and just keep my mindfulness on this quirk.
  • Girls love emotional engagement. It is the glue. If this glue is not present, there is nothing that bounds you two and it gets forced and perhaps even creepy; it is the emotion that makes it not forced.
  • I notice that I'm making progress with my self esteem. Pretty girls and ugly girls have same value for me. My self-value is based on my potential/capacity as a man and not on results that I'm having or not having.

That Lea girl broke my heart so hard but at the same time she also gave me self-esteem. I didn't know I could get such a hot girl: she was a 9/10... so now when a 8 or something rejects I'm thinking "whatever, I dated much hotter, it is your loss". Approaching right now is like shaking a girl's hand. It is second nature for me. I still have to work on my seduction though; it is too forced right now.  I didn't get any numbers today.

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I love this: Leo's inner frame

3 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

The idea that a girl would cheat on me doesn't even enter my mind because I know I have so much value and love to offer that I am irreplaceable. She will never find a guy as great as me << that should be your inner frame. And you should make that actual, not just a mind game.

The problem is not that she will cheagt on me, the problem is that she will get so addicted to me that she could end up killing herself if I leave.

To actualize it is not easy.

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So didn't do a lot of pickup the last week. Only couple of approaches and got two phone numbers. Trying to get a date for this weekend.

Couple of major lessons of this week from these two threads I created:


Summary of the lessons:

  •  There is a hierarchy of unconditional love which is men > women > children. Unconditional love trickles from men to women to children put not the other way around. In that thread somebody explained it more delicately. I can't do it justice here. This is just the summary.
  • Never take advice from women. Period.
  • Women care only about vibes when picked up for sex or casual dating.
  • My definition for vibes: vibes is consciousness, and consciousness which is life, can be seen as a blessing or a punishment. In other words; do you see life as a blessing or as a punishment? That will determine what your vibe is!
  • For long term dating, women care about vibes + survival traits in the men that will enhance female survival
  • Men are bias towards looks. Females are bias towards feelings/vibes in the opposite sex.
  • Biggest difference between men are women: women don't care about how the sausage is made, they just want the sausage. They are much more ruthless with dating because they are the physically weaker sex. Their shitty attitude shouldn't be taken personally.

The coming period I will focus on self-expression, different sides of my personality, and just being fun/chill without checking for rapport. This is a good video to demonstrate what I'm aiming at:




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Being "stood up"

So yesterday I suppose to have a first date.... and she didn't show up. She totally forgot so I was stood up as they call it in PUA. She apologized and then told me she is doubting whether to date me because she is busy which was like a slap in my face. First me being stood up and then basically telling me she is not open for dating.

Two other girls flaked on me before that.

I'm kind of sick of tired of dating and socializing. I still haven't managed to get a real GF out of pickup. They just don't want me.

I know should focus on self-development rather than results but these failures are really taking its toll. I notice I'm developing disrespect for women because they don't show me some basic respect like cancelling on time, flaking, treating me like trash because I'm nice. My view on respect has changed. I would always have some basic respect for women but now I have lost that. I got treated bad too much.

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Couple of days ago I did a Salsa lesson to try it out. It was amazing. It is a gold mine for socializing with beautiful girls and social circle game. When I was there I saw a girl from a house party, she recognized me and it is kind of awkward; I would have loved to have a cute conversation with her but the conversation really didn't come off the ground.

You would say "don't worry, it is not a big deal"... This girl is very popular in my city. If I can befriend her, it would be a major catalyst for my social life; it would be a game changer.

In summary; I would love salsa but I'm afraid I will be disappointed. I mean: I do love dancing and I suck with dancing with girls so doing salsa is a no brainer but still; what I described above is just very cringe for me. If I don't perform socially I always attack myself. This is something I need to stop doing.

Salsa dancing is very intimate. The other girls are literally in your aura. I really didn't mind it because the girls were pretty but ... I don't know. If I do take the salsa route of doing 8 weeks of salsa, it will be a challenge. And if I don't take this opportunity right now I know I will regret it. There is not much else to do in this (new) lockdown anyway: I can't go to clubs or bars (they are closed very early. I will have to play with the toys that god has presented me with.

At best (and what I want) I will gain a social circle from salsa dancing, at worst I will totally make a fool out of myself trying to socialize, but at least I will add a couple of dance moves to my repertoire.

Leo is so good at describing what I have to be versus what I shouldn't be :D


Humorous, positive, deatched from outcome, confident in himself, assertive but very socially calibrated, non-controlling, self-amusing, not explicitly sexual in a vulgar way.

Creepy/scary guys fail on all those points.

Humor and playfulness makes her feel at easy. Creepy/scary guys are serious and lack humor.

Just being friendly and socially calibrated is huge. Creepy guys lack that calibration. They act like social retards.


Edited by StarStruck

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