Guest Tobia

Snowden & Russell Brand on Conspiracy "Theories"

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Oh, by the way, medical apartheid is almost here. Medical segregation is our next chapter.

The announced "Decade of vaccines (and control)" is here.

2020's "crazy conspiracy theorists" are now due an apology ??

Russell Brand is doing a FANTASTIC job recently.

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Operation Midnight Climax is quite a conspiracy theory


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Snowden is an insider and he's a valid and reliable source based on how the US government treated/treats him

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4 hours ago, Tanz said:

Snowden is an insider and he's a valid and reliable source based on how the US government treated/treats him

It's impressive how well spoken and clear minded he is, his wisdom exceeds by far what you would expect from a random IT guy. He has the level to be the head of an administration or a ministry.

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