Rishabh R

Limiting beliefs

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How to overcome limiting beliefs in ur dating life ?Is reading Dr. Robert Glover's book Dating essentials for men a solution .

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Get rid of "dating life beliefs" and insert "life beliefs", its too myopic. 

You're a piece of biology that'll eventually make its way in the dumpster one day, your true essence is beyond all that. If you want my advice, transcend your biology and you'll transcend dating, settling only for someone that measures up to your values of integrity, love, respect and other compatibilities. 

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@Rishabh R Awesome! Yes, research, practice, and belief busting techniques like the sedona method and byron katie's the work, or just general contemplation, it's a path that has to be unique to you.

I confess I actually meant no more mister nice guy, that one I've read and is good too.

Also the way of the superior man by deida is a must read, I think 

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