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Could the entire world become enlightened?

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Does such a question even make sense? Could all human beings become enlightened in some some Nano-technological future? I imagine it would not be permanent as the only constant is change, and the inevitable heat death of the universe would give rise to a new realm of unawake unconscious beings and the cycle would begin again forever and ever.  

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When you become enlightened, so does the entire universe because you're all alone. There's only one to awaken, and that's god. ^_^

Edited by fridjonk

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Must the entire world become enlightened, for whatever takes place after a planet has achieved enlightenment in full, to come to fruition?

Obviously, yes.

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57 minutes ago, CBDinfused said:

the only constant is change

The perception of change can only be percieved by something that is unchanging. What moves can only be percieved by something that is unmoving.
The word constant itself means something that never changes,therefore it is constant. So,the word constant and the word change,are directly in conflict in the way they are being used.

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Alright, I’ll provide the straight-forward answer that it seems you’re looking for rather than the Nondual, “your Awakening is the whole Universe Awakening” answer. 

Yes, there are entire worlds full of Enlightened beings (to a variety of degrees). In fact, there exist infinitely many such places - even entire Universes of Awakened beings. Of course, I don’t have scientific evidence at the moment to back this up. I’m just speaking from first-hand embodiment of the nature of reality. 

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