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I have cut down on my drinking considerably. I am happy with this. 

About a year ago, I was drinking 2-3 pints at the bar after work (maybe 4-5 times a week) and coming home just to drink 2-4 beers or wine (on average). 

Then, I just started getting tired of the taste. That in itself was great, but I found I was still going to the bar for pints even when I didn't really feel like drinking. It was just out of habit. The bar was comfort. I liked the people. When I was unemployed and bored, I'd go for walks and end up at the pub. I would drink out of boredom/habit. 

Today I had a pint and it was gross. It tasted gross. I didn't need it. But, it's Friday, and my Friday habit for as long as I can remember has been tossing back a few beers or some glasses of wine.  

By cutting back on drinking (having maybe four pints of beer all week and some wine) I've lost nearly 8 pounds.  I've also upped my water intake and exercise regularly.  I don't want to give up drinking, I love my beer and wine.  But when I'm turned off by the thought of it, I shouldn't be reaching for it.  

My guess is meditation would help with this?


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@spicy_pickles It's awesome you scaled back, because you saw you were using it as a means of fulfilling a void inside. But now you don't need it, so don't feel guilty if you still get the urge. Enjoy a beer once in a while! As Alan Watts once said, spirituality needs beer and a loud burp.

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after 2 weeks of meditation I started to feel that I didn't need alcohol on weekends to have fun.

that was the first thing that made me think meditation is good.

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