
What kind of experience did I achieve through meditation? High heart rate, euphoria

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It's been around 8 months since the first time I have had this weird experience. I am yet to find an answer or somebody with a similar experience as me, and to this day I am not sure what exactly it was.

The first time I did it, I was meditating as usual. I was in deep focus, and slowly my body sank in and started feeling uplifted. My breaths slowed down, to barely any breathing at all. Slowly, i stopped breathing. When I stopped breathing i started feeling a rising sensation across my body. The weirds part of this is... I started to have an erection. And it was perhaps the most intense one I have ever experienced. I started slowly inhaling, and the euhporia was rising. My body was shaking, trembling even, my breaths were deep but I was not exhaling, i kept inhaling more and more, with the sensation rising, as well as the erection. It felt as an orgasm, yet it was full body and it did not stop. My vision became clear white, and started having unclear visions. I stopped, once I completely ran out of breath and had to start breathing again, and I had to do it fast as if i just did intense cardio.


After this, my body was trembling/shaking even. I had the weirdest experience. At that point I was not yet into Leo's videos, and I though by chance this was the enlightment, because that's how I imagined at first.


I could not say, that it had a very direct lasting impact on me. But I was able to achieve the same feeling over and over again, sometimes higher, sometimes lesser, but the euphoria was always there. It was addicting even. Everytime I wanted to meditate, I was reminded of this feeling and wanted to achieve it.

I stopped intentionally doing it, because I felt it was hurting my practices, but now once I have been meditating a lot, sometimes I naturally reach the beginnings of this state, and simply decide not to continue, but if I wanted to, simply controls of my breath would provide the same results.


So what is it? Is it Kundalini awakening? Is it some form of Wim Hof? Or are there some other practices?

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Well, I know I am judging but I do what I am about accuse you of a lot so I can't help but ask. 

Why did you make this post? Did you want us to tell you 'Wow well done! you are definitely having a kundalini awakening'

Sorry again for this rude accusation. This is more of a projection.



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Yup, I sometimes experience this exact phenomenon too. For me, it usually happens when some unconscious emotion/fear/desire is released and usually comes with heavy bodily sensations (erection, rapid breathing, little bit of shaking, etc).

I'd say feel into it as possible when it happens, but don't resist it, don't cling to it either. Just notice and accept it when it comes and continue your practise.

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@Swarnim The reason for posting is to understand what is this experience that i am having, since i was unable to locate any information for over half a year, i dont want to brag, i dont need your thank you's, i dont need anything, actually. I just want to know what it is.

@nistake Is it also quite intense for you? Like sometimes you just can't hold it for long? I am usually trying to let it go, and when it works it's an  incredible feeling, but somewhat addicting to a regular practice.

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