The White Belt

Do My Dreams Hold Any Relevance?

5 posts in this topic



The question explains itself. When I have a burning question and something that happens in my dream that sort of relates should I try to decipher it.

Does it hold any wisdom? Or is it just all the be taken lightly and life decisions not to be remotely based on it?



“In the beginner’s mind there are many possibilities, but in the expert’s there are few” 
― Shunryu Suzuki

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according to some psychologists, our dreams are representations of our wishes in another language. a language that we may not understand so we don't fight those wishes as we would do during daytime. so the dreamland is a platform of free expression of our ego.

unborn Truth

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9 hours ago, BeginnerActualizer said:

@iago iriarte arhatha Ego? So not very noble?

are you noble? understanding ego is not very easy. the wish to see through the ego is still a wish and it comes from the ego.

to stop contradicting ourselves, we need to assume the form of an ego that seeks. an ego with serious doubts, thirsty and sincere will to become aware of Reality.

egoist people may not be noble because they cause suffering to other beings, but that's something else.

unborn Truth

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On a personal level, as a person, the dream state is a reflection of your unassimilated every day experience. 

You can verify this for yourself in time as you progress along your self development journey. 

Or, you can infer the validity of the claim by looking into how your dreams have changed over the course of the lifespan.

As you process material from your part of the "collective storage bin" of humanity aka collective unconscious or causal body, your dreams will reflect what is happening for the person in the waking state. The clearer you are processing reality in the waking state and less identified with thought, the better your dream experience will be, because what is being served to you in the dream state is just how you interpreted the objects appearing to you in the waking state according to your own conditioned fears and desires. The more you neutralise your likes and dislikes in the waking state the more balanced your dreams become, and the happier both "identities" are.

But like I said, don't take my word for it, check it out for yourself.

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