
Why Was Life Given To Us?

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18 hours ago, FindingPeace said:

You don't know that there wan't consciousness. There was nothing to 'fill' the conscious-awareness, just like there isn't whilst you're in deep sleep. But is the 'container' called 'consciousness' still there even when there is nothing to be conscious of? Curious...


that's a really good point; consciousness during sleep. is there such a thing? i have no idea either..

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@Orange Only "special" people understand it lolxD:P.

What is a rock?

Where is it located?

Go get a rock and observe it and tell me where it is located. 

Or anything. Hold your hand up in front of your face. Where is your hand located?

If you believe "I" is the body, then you will take the hand to be outside you. 

If you understand that "I" is not the body, that the body is in the "I" then the hand will appear in you.


Just as a tip, have you heard of something called Jappa?

It's a mantra you can repeat in meditation to break identification with the body by observing the spaces between the verses.

Add it to your meditation routine, I think it will help you a lot :)


Edited by kurt

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21 hours ago, John Flores said:

@Orange the concept of limited conciousness mind boggles me. If we are conciousness, why do we naturally experience a sense of center and separation?


who/what is performing this magic trick?

We don't experience a sense of ego, only apparently, but not in reality :)

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Life wasn't given to you. Ever.

You ARE life. 

And it has no meaning and no purpose. 

Is simply is.



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2 hours ago, Ayla said:




Haha that is such a cute face :)

Edited by Orange

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On 27/09/2016 at 6:43 PM, Electron said:

Life wasn't given to you because there is no "YOU". Life is just a phenomenon not isolated from any other phenomenon in any way. To study it, it needs to be seen in isolation from other things and a separate entity but it actually exists in oneness with everything else. There is this one giant process of cause and effect which you can call the universe and everything that appears in it by virtue of cause and effect isn't the end result, nor it has any special meaning, the universe isn't going anywhere, it's just doing its usual cause and effect shit and various new kinds of things are popping up.

Now, it is rather tragedic that we have in our ignorance taken the "self" for granted and as something real and rigid, creating boundaries and fences in our own experiences which obscure our perception and disable us to see the underlying unity. 

Now did the universe give you birth for a reason? Yes, because for the appropriate function of cause and effect according to the so-called laws of the universe, it was necessary for the processes to occur exactly in a way so as to give rise to "your" body structure. So you can also say that you were given birth because you were needed by the universe to function properly :o.  Also then, the reason "You" are alive is because the universe needs you right now in order to be stable. If i were to remove you against the universe's will (Lets say), the whole universe would become unstable (A hypothesis), all the star systems, galaxies, planets will go nuts and who knows what would happen. That's how important you are !!!!

The things that you were meant to do are things that you did and the things that you will do in future will be the things that you were meant to do. So whatever you are, whatever you do, that's what's meant for you. 

Here are some lines from the movie " The Last Samurai" :

Katsumoto: You believe a man can change his destiny?

Algren: I think a man does what he can, until his destiny is revealed.


Maybe i'm wrong but I want to know if you mean everything's written? And that life isn't about creating but rather discovering/finding what there really is?

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On 27 September 2016 at 6:52 PM, FindingPeace said:


I find it insteresting how the human species has become so preoccupied with understanding the 'meaning' of life. We are the only species to do so (we can assume). I wonder how people would live differently if they completely dropped the notion that life is a 'thing', that it's miraculous and 'special', and instead just lived it regardless.

Interesting topic.

Don't you think then life would be I don't know..meaningless? Life is something which fascinates me deeply and dropping the idea of figuring it out would be no less than a nightmare. just saying

@Ayla that is something I would really want to experience by myself 9_9

thanks all

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I contemplate existence so much that I'm starting to see everything as programmed and robotic. When I see other people, I see underneath the layer of skin and bone... I see the brain, reacting to stimuli to give a meaning and message from the outside world. The brain isn't creating these reactions, but are being input by externals. The brain is processing information through limited senses and through prior experiences.

It's just so bizarre to my ego. For all I know, the idea of life isn't real at all. Maybe we're in a simulation created by more intelligent beings. Maybe the universe is infinite and going through every kind of motion possible. Maybe my consciousness is just a dream formulated from nothing. I don't know anything anymore, I don't even know if I even qualify as a living being if I control absolutely nothing. I'm just a complex finite system existing in infinite space. But I'm okay with that. It's kind of peaceful.

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On 29/09/2016 at 8:22 PM, Vaishnavi said:

Don't you think then life would be I don't know..meaningless? Life is something which fascinates me deeply and dropping the idea of figuring it out would be no less than a nightmare. just saying

Life fascinates me too. Whether it has meaning or meaningless in itself, to me. But, I have an attitude towards life that could be called a 'meaning'. For me it is this: We only live life in the present moment. That's the only 'real' moment we have, the only moment we are experiencing. So, rather than doing what many people do and fail to see the present moment because they are off in their heads dreaming about the past or the future my moto is this - find the beauty in the present moment, whatever that moment consists of for you. In each and every present moment there is, if you look, some beauty to appreciate. It may be the sky, the clouds, the colour, a sound, a smell, something artistic, something intricate, the feel of the breeze, or the warm sun. But find the beauty in the moment, because we never know when that moment will be the last one, and even if it is..find the beauty in that moment too..


“If you correct your mind, the rest of your life will fall into place.”  - Lao Tzu

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