
Online courses

7 posts in this topic


I see the majority of online courses priced around £200 are video courses, like the life purpose course for example.

Is it possible to sell text courses for around £200?

I don’t really want to be on video, I find I communicate much better through writing and have a passion for writing, but even with an amazing product I'm not sure if people will pay £200 for a course that isn't video based.

These text courses I want to create are within personal development




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Yes, as an example check out Kailyn Bowman on Youtube. She's a spiritual guru, 75K subscribers, talks about self-love, trauma, chakras, etc. And she has a written self-love course for $289. Her other courses are written as well, she uses a site called "teachable.com" to list and sell these courses.

I don't mean to promote her or anything but here's her YT channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCr45QS7ztefjQHPjHWhFpGA

Her course page: https://ignite-your-soul.teachable.com/p/become-a-love-magnet

I highly recommend her channel to anyone on these forums.

If you want my personal opinion, I prefer video courses, its just easier to follow along. I purchased Kailyn's course thinking it was a video course because she does Youtube, but I later found out it was a written course so I eventually requested a refund. The content of it was great though. I think written courses should be no more than $200, maybe $10-$200 maximum, depending on the value you are providing.

"Intellectual growth should commence at birth and cease only at death." - Albert Einstein


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1 hour ago, ryank940 said:

I don’t really want to be on video, I find I communicate much better through writing and have a passion for writing,

You can also do this; write a script. Then you can record an audio to create an audio course or you could speak whatever you have written alongside a presentation to create a video course out of it.

Checkout this for an example:


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@Sagar Takker thank you, this is a really great example!

I feel that a combination of both text and audio could make a powerful combination 


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2 hours ago, ryank940 said:

@Sagar Takker thank you, this is a really great example!

I feel that a combination of both text and audio could make a powerful combination 


Great! Go ahead full force. Good luck. :)

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@ryank940  People don't pay to "be watching" or to "be reading" for an X number of hours. They pay to have their life changed.

How much they'll pay is proportional to how they badly they need that change, and what the result is worth to them.

If you can transform my life for the better dramatically, in the way that I need, and you've got cassette tapes - I'll get on ebay and get a freaking cassette player.

If I'm confident that the rest of my life will be better after getting this change, I'll pay whatever I can. If you will help me to make 10K a month, I'll pay you 10K upfront. If you will help me get rid of my insecurities forever, and I'm confident that it will work, I'd pay you 2K easily. I've done this in the past. I'd have paid more if I had it.

Confidence that it will work is important, though. That's why you need reviews and good presentation.

Edited by flowboy

Learn to resolve trauma. Together.

Testimonials thread: www.actualized.org/forum/topic/82672-experience-collection-childhood-aware-life-purpose-coaching/

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Sure. You can write several related books and sell them as a bundle for $200. Many authors did that.

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