
Bill Maher: The left come across lacking common sense

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Both the contemporary Left and the Right have shortsighted, Toxic elements. Pointing out counter productive elements on the Left is useful, so long as it's not being done with the intent of drawing a false equivalency between the two.

What are the worst elements to come out of Toxic aspects of the contemporary Left? Hypersensitivity, labeling people as racist or transphobic who might not necessarily deserve it, and not being pragmatic enough in thier political aims are some of the most obvious things that come to mind.

In addition to that there's what Ken Wilber calls Aperspectival Madness, where the deconstruction of postmodernism ceases to serve a productive purpose and leaves an Ontological vacuum in its place.

The effective consequence being what David Foster Wallace characterizes as the tyranny of postmodern irony and the resulting dearth of sincerity that's endemic to much of modern culture: ie.  "How dare you have the audacity to ask me what it is I really mean?"

While it would be intellectually dishonest to downplay these problems, it's also true that it's not contemporary American Left wing culture that's downplaying practices that are destroying the planet, nor Left Wing policies that are needlessly imprisoning millions of people, and leaving many more to languish in poverty and sickness. 

Probably the most damning thing that can be said of the Left is that it can be terrible at messaging, and that it might unintentionally drive some people backwards into reactionary politics. But how much of this is the Left's fault versus Bad Actors on the Right who are intentionally exploiting Culture Wars divisions to achieve exactly this effect is a more ambiguous issue 

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What the Democrats will never admit is that Trump was the “trunk monkey”.    This comes from a commercial several years ago.  A man is stuck in traffic and this dangerous looking thug comes up to his window and starts threatening him.  The man in the car calmly pushes a button on his dash with the label  “trunk monkey”.   The trunk opens and this large monkey jumps out carrying a tire iron and quickly takes care of the thug.   In other words, when you are dealing with someone you consider dangerous and unreasonable,  you vote for the trunk monkey, not Eckhart Tolle.  

Leftist politics use to be about the issues of worker rights and wealth inequality.  Somehow the postmodernist academics hijacked the democratic party, and are focusing on “words” because postmodernists believe words are reality.  In my opinion, this isn’t progressive but serves the interests of the financial oligarchs by diverting attention from the current trend towards extreme wealth inequality.  

Here is an example of academic obsession with words – the flip-chart is racist.

Vincit omnia Veritas.

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