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Counter productive 





Counter intuitive 



Green and orange 

Self preservation instinct 


The feminine is more green and needs a balance of the Orange. 

The masculine is more Orange and needs a balance of the Green. 



INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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The feminine and masculine is balanced when there is amalgamation of Green and Orange. 


The Amalgamation of Green and Orange. 




























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New agey psychobable blinders on. 


Purity mutts


Purity muttering 


Take in the intellectual nuggets. 

But don't follow the heartspace 


Demonization of good people. 

The heart chakra is soiled


Hypocrisy and shadows. 


Not aware of their devilry. Oblivious. And stubborn. 

A basic moral framework is always needed


Commercial spiritual crap 


It's energy embodiment and not just intellectual clarity. 


Energetic embodiment is main part of this work (not chasing more intellectual understanding + insights)

The heart is the base chakra and the mind is the higher chakra 

The heart comes first in chakra progression from bottom to top. 

The mind comes later . 

From basal to higher. That's how real growth works. From basic to advanced. 

Those with a properly aligned heart chakra are diamonds on the rough, the jewel in the ocean and the Original ones, not the Fake ones. 

If your heart is only not good, whatever else you endeavor is a hypocrisy. 

Without a heart, everything is commerical and not genuine. 


Edited by Preety_India

INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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The feminine is divine and chaotic 

The masculine is grounded and experiential. 




(Line of thought and theme) 


First cultivate the divine Feminine 

Then cultivate the Experiential Masculine. 

One stacked above the other. 








Edited by Preety_India

INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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The theme of this journal. 

LIGHTNERS are a group of people who are very successful. 







Edited by Preety_India

INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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First cultivate Stage Green. Be there. 

Then regress to Stage Orange. Silent and Healthy Stage Orange. 


Focus on the heart chakra and mind chakra at the same time 



Edited by Preety_India

INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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The heart chakra and the mind chakra. 

Two important chakras for LIGHTNERS. 

<this might sound a bit absurd and funny, but whatever. This is my theory >

The masculine chakra is the Manipura chakra 

The feminine chakra is the Anahata chakra.. 


The feminine chakra 




The masculine chakra or Manipura. 











Heart chakra or Feminine Chakra affirmations 


1. I attract pure lOve
2. I radiate a powerful green light of love
from my heart
3. I am fully open to give and receive love
4. I love myself unconditionally
5. I direct love, peace and light towards
myself and others
6. I live in harmony with the world and all
7. I release and let go of all bitterness
8. I forgive myself for my mistakes, and I
learn and grow from them
9. There is an infinite supply of love to and
from my heart chakra
0. Every day, I choose love to grow
1. Love is my guiding force, truth and I
follow it
2. I am safe to love the world and be loved
3. I live in balance, in a state of dignity and
4. There is an infinite source of love in mne


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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The masculine chakra or Manipura chakra affirmations to cultivate and integrate the masculine in me 


I make my own decisions with confidence and conviction

I give myself permission to be my authentic self

I use my power for good

I accept myself unconditionally

I forgive myself for past mistakes and I grow from them

I am motivated to pursue my true purpose

I am comfortable with my power

I release the need to control

I am worthy and capable of achieving my dreams

I am ambitious and capable of whatever I desire

I choose inner peace and satisfaction daily

I have high self esteem and believe I am valuable

I have a lot to offer the world

I release myself from my past

I am worthy of the life I say I want

I am confident in the universe to see me through

I am confident in my ability to succeed

Everything I need, I have within

I choose the best for myself, always

I know exactly what I need to be my best self


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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The Anahata chakra is the heart chakra 

The Manipura chakra is the mind chakra. 


The heart chakra is represented by Flourishing Green


The mind chakra is represented by the Manipura or burning yellow/orange. 




INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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How do these masculine and feminine chakras manifest in nature 


The masculine chakra is represented by the powerful sun with a powerful intellect to guide and motivate and energize and preserve. 




The feminine chakra is represented by the powerful loving tree with tremendous Blossoming, fertility and growth and abundance. 






The feminine is also represented by the Womb. The womb of love. 





The masculine is also represented by a knife. A product for hunting gathering and self preservation. 












INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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I took a break from filling my journal and went into the forum. The forum was a horror show so I came back to my journal. 





INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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After a 20 day rigorous stint on the forum I learned a lot in a very short span. 

My knowledge and awareness of things and solutions increased by at least 30%


Next I want to focus on a ton of knowledge and understanding 





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On the forum I learned about relationships, society, politics etc. In the last 20 days. 




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Intuitive and Counterintuitive 



For the Feminine 



Healthy intuitive (productive) 








Unhealthy intuitive (unproductive or Counter productive) 





For the masculine 




Healthy Counterintuitive (productive) 





Unhealthy Counterintuitive (unproductive or Counter productive) 






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  How to balance between selflessness and selfishness on the stage orange spiral. The answer is 


                         Be vigilant 



INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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9 minutes ago, Preety_India said:

Try to focus on better things from now 


1 Now the strategy in my life is to completely focus on Integrating Chakra systems and Stage Orange and Stage Green of the Spiral Dynamics Model and use them to guide myself spiritually. 

2 Also the other focus is going to be absorbing large amounts of information or precious knowledge and implementing and executing it. 

3 And third is going to be focusing on shadow work and intense healing. Be nice and be with Nice. And bringing positive changes and growth in my life.. Finally. Also self love and transcendence and overcoming neediness. 

Lots of changes and developments on the way 







The focus will be on better performance and high productivity in every niche in life. 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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