Eren Eeager

weakly realizing the Truth/Love

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Is anybody in this stage where when you focus and contemplate you get these weak insights about reality but it so weak that it doesn't manifest itself before your eyes, it is more of a weak feeling of Love/infinity. I can feel all aspects of spirituality like Nothingness and the Truth but still all of them are weak.

I am the only thing stopping myself from receiving infinite Love form Myself. I am Infinite Love for god sake.

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@Eren Eeager

It can be very subtle and underlying-ish experientially initially in meditation & contemplation, and ultimately can be so tremendous that it is debilitating, and you are unable to meditate or contemplate. The underlying subtle never increases, all that is covering it is released. 

This came to mind, and please don’t take it personally. It might be helpful / useful, and might not be. Consider a ‘raising of the bar’ (not to imply yours is low) with respect to what you choose, surround yourself with, and put in front of you. I aim to convey this in an ‘across the board’ ‘entirety of experience’ manor, but one specific example would be to imagine watching horror movies 24/7 for a week...and then watching Gaia 24/7 for a week. In that second week that subtle love is going to be popping up quite a few visceral feeling ‘he’ll yes’s’. Then bring that example home more intimately in regard to thought focused on, or let go. If I am at all ‘on point’ to ‘where you’re at’, this will open a new door, and a new deciphering via feeling becomes paramount in thought focused upon or let go, and the subtle will step right through that door. 



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Yup. I'm at this stage. There is a really deep intuition/knowing about "deeper layer of reality" and God in my heart and I often get glimpses of it. They are like mystical experiences that lasts for like one second.

It grows slowly, you learn more and more after each glimpse and your worldview/level on consciousness grows day after day, year after year. Slow but steady.

Everyone is waiting for eternity but the Shaman asks: "how about today?"

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