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Jacob Morres

Limiting beliefs

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Your psychology really dictates how much $$ you can make

In the environment i grew up in, everyone works very hard and is also very privileged. making big sums of cash is very simple and easy to do. if you have the time, going out to make a few right connections (for mentorship) and working for 1y is enough to land you a $100k+ job. i've seen this time and time again. making friends with rich people really show you what's possible 

of course responsibilities + trauma + psychology is what limits us 

i'm curious what limiting beliefs you see other people have, but is very simple that you see?

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That life is too complicated to figure out. It may be easy for other people but not for me.

I had this limiting belief too. When I started working on my own puzzle, I found it quite enjoyable to delve into an area that I feel confused about. For instance, I've been quite interested in mini habits recently. It helped me a lot in start resolving long-standing issues.

But I came across the idea early on. It was just an idea. I never cared much to research it and try it out myself. 

I think it's called learned helplessness. Leo once said that you can change your life by googling the right stuff. You can dig deep into anything to find the answer you need. But most people never care to look for it even if resources are so abundant. 

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Joseph Rodrigues Subconscious Mind programming course helps me a lot with limiting beliefs. (or even just his free YT videos)

"A ship is safe in harbor, but that's not what ships are made for"    - John A. Shedd

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