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I get really really afraid really easily. Whenever I do weed or edibles, I find my fears to come up to the surface very vividly. I am very scared of the dark and all the "creepy" paranormal type phenomena... Idk if it is bcoz of me watching horror movies too early in my childhood, but I really get scared at the idea of seeing a jinn or a spirit and/or getting possesed or attacked by them. it paralyzes me and freaks me out... What should I do? 

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I was listening to some binaural beats and there was some whistling in the audio which made me feel like my personal space was evaded and I freaked the fuck out... 

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That sounds difficult, sorry to hear you're having a rough time. There's some triggers which you do have control over, have you considered cutting back or quitting the weed / edibles / binaural beats if those cause fear, hopefully could be a quick win? 

The factors which are beyond your immediate control, such as your past memories of horror movies will take some more work. The fearful childhood memories are like unhealed mini-traumas if you were too young for such things.   It sounds like you believe the jinns, spirits, possession and paranormal phenomena are potentially real, perhaps this was part of your childhood culture? Although obviously the movies are made up and not real. But hopefully you haven't had any actual paranormal experiences, just fears and scary images. I came from a pretty materialist culture so this was less of a problem. 

As well as contemplating what you believe is real vs imaginary, perhaps some affirmations around the theme of 'this fear isn't real, it's a childhood memory' and mindfulness to bring you back to the safety of the present moment. 

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I'm not addicted to weed or edibles, of course... In fact, the whole reason why I'm interested in using them now is to deal with my fears and stuff. I watched Leo's episodes on dealing with fear and I'm willing to face them, not hastily but not being too slowed  down by fear at the same time. So I just wanted to know how I should go about doing that, bcoz I'm afraid if I just let myself completely vulnerable I mean have a panic attack or something (which I've never had in life so I don't even know how to deal with it- just probably gonna try and control my breath I guess). 

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Fear has no objective actuality. It’s never seen, heard, nor felt, only apparently created via subjective projection of objective misinterpretation (“It” is you, saying “it” is not you). If there is fear, it is not coming from anywhere or anyone, you’re making it up by saying it has to do with other ‘things’ or ‘people’. In mistaking an idea of you, for you, the universe is mistaken to be not you. 

“I get really afraid really easily” is a belief about who you are, about an “ I “ who fears. The weed & edibles begin to reveal that “ I “ is an idea of you; an idea made of you-ness, but not a you in a separate object manor (the idea is not true). Then that feeling of losing that idea is labeled as fear. But an idea can’t be lost, as ideas only come & go already. “ I’s “ are ideas, not separate objects. Apparent individuations, not actual individuals. When love forgets itself, forgets it’s own perfection & wholeness, it lives the thrill of “fear”. Look at what you fear. Is it permanent, or does it come & go? Zoom out to a larger more transcendent view, such that it is noticed even rocks & planets are apparent change, apparent coming & going ness. 

What sense is there in fearing what comes & goes, when what comes & goes only appears to what has never come, and will never go? 

Only the real you will do, love. Only the real you will do love. Only the real you will do.


Vulnerability is not an opposite of fear. Love is pure innocence, precisely as love has no opposite.



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