
World Economic Forum - The Great Reset Initiative

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"The Great Reset" ... you may be hearing this phrase a lot these days, and its being thrown around like it a bad thing and its going to disrupt our lives, and create social chaos and Authoritarianism, which of-course no body wants.  How do you guys think this is going to play out?  Are you going to let it play out? OR resist this change?

As stated on the WE forum website: "“The Great Reset” will be the theme of a unique twin summit in January 2021, convened by the World Economic Forum"

You can read more about The Great Reset here:

PLEASE NOTE: I did not create this Post to dive into a rabbit hole of Conspiracy Theories - I do not subscribe to any of those theories.  This post is to get opinions from those more well-versed in this area, and in Politics in general and how this so called "Great Reset" will bring about new changes perhaps for the betterment of Humanity.

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It might sound all nice and fluffy, but if they avoid talking about tax reform then that’s all it ever be.

“All you need is Love” - John Lennon

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There will be some kind of reset, the battle is over who decides what that looks like

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