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Marshall McLuhan's "The Medium Is the Message"

5 posts in this topic

 What role do you think Mediums have in the evolution of consciousness? What do the media and mediums of a society tell us about their stage in spiral dynamics? 

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EVERYTHING is an extension of the Mind.

Ta-da! :D

- - - - -

Overlaps with my video: Structure vs Content.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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I have his book, “Medium is the Massage”, yes that’s the spelling. Marshal McLuhan is amazing but hard to understand.

He basically said medium is more important than what’s communicated in it. Sort of like how Leo once said without the medium of books there wouldn’t be religion as we know it or science as we know it. The medium of the internet is going to make us more collectivist.

Maybe he is stage yellow or turquoise.

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This video is great. Helps people to open mental doors. I've been struggling my whole life with the materialist paradigm. Science really doesnt explain the empty void of morphing shapes when one meditates. Does anyway else see morphing shapes when they close their eyes and meditate for 20+ minutes. Mcluhan did really know what hes saying. There is no distinction really between the car and the road. It just connects. Gotta shred that rubber. 


Love life and your Health, INFJ Visionary


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