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How to Prevent Wet Dreams (Semen Preservation)

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Semen Preservation has significant benefits for most practitioners, like more focus, motivation, more attractive to girls, more energy, less sleep,..

Semen Preservation means you can masturbate, have sex and orgasm, but no ejaculation and no wet dreams. Wet dreams are not as bad as ejaculation from masturbation/sex. In my experience, 1 masturbation ejaculation equals to around 3 wet dreams ejaculations. I've had many hundreds of wet dreams during the last years and researched many ways how to prevent them.

I've put it in 6 categories. Category 1 being the one which is most effective, category 6 least effective.


1. Category: Prevent blue balls

  • no masturbation and no sex
  • Draw the sexual energy away from the genitals and spread it through the body. 1. Open your energy channels with the microcosmic orbit meditation. 2. Visualize energy flowing from your balls up the back. Suck it up while inhaling. At the same time suck your stomach in and up. And at the same time clench your anus muscles (and perhaps perineum musles as well).
  • no erections during the day (during the night is fine). When you are about to get an erection, tense your large muscle groups. I like to to some kind of L-sits. Or immediately have a cold shower. Or think of something terrible or visualize taking an ice bath. Doing reverse kegels can help as well
  • Non Ejaculatory Orgasms (NEOs). when you have a NEO, the energy shoots up to your head. But it's risky. Unless you are able to do it properly, there is a good chance you will ejaculate. And If give up before orgasm because the risk is too high, you risk getting blue balls from masturbating. I currently don't practce it because it's too much risk. 2 years ago I practiced it and a few times I managed to have NEOs without a drop of semen to come out. A bolt of energy shot to my head.
  • working out. (Thus blood flows away from your balls. Too much blood in your balls (due to eg. erections) is said to cause blue balls) 
  • cold shower (the closer to bed the better)
  • Put some ice on your balls
  • make a servitor for that purpose
  • no sexual thoughts at all
  • Testicle massage. 
  • Valsalve maneuver. 


2. Category 

  • Kegels: Strengthen the pc muscles. (the muscles you use to stop urine flow). They can act like a gate. When these muscles are strong, they can prevent wet dreams and you can have NEOs (one way to have NEOs). Mantak Chia said you need to do 300 reps a day if you want to have whole body orgasms. I usually prefer to do just around 10 reps but clenching very hard and long. Some 10-30 seconds and one around 3 min. But find what works for you. Most people hold the flex for 2-15 seconds. The anus muscle is irrelevant for that purpose. And I'm not sure about the perineum muscle. If you think it would be good to practcie it as well then do it. 
  • Reverse Kegels: Relax the pc muscles. (the muscles to get out the last drops of urine) This might be even more important than normal kegels. I spend on them at least 2 times as much time. Before bed, spend some additional 2-5 min doing reverse kegels
  • Massage the perineum (the area between your balls and anus.) daily! If it is tensed you are more likely to WD.
  • Stretch your perineum. Squat as deep as possible. hold that position. breath in deeply with your stomach. Perhps combine this with reverse kegels and the valsalva maneuver.
  • Hypnosis: 
  • Have less sleep


3. Category

  • Train yourself to wake up before ejaculation. To wake up early enough to prevent it. When you wake while orgasming, clench your pc muscles. If you clench early enough you can prevent the semen from going out. I've done that several times. You can train yourself to automatically do it. But it's  not optimal because you might have a retrogate ejaculation. It's not bad for your health but you probably lose some energy and semen. Still not as bad as a WD though. So better train yourself to wake up well before ejaculation.
  • Don't  drink anything 2-4 hours before bed. Go to toilet right before bed. Most WDs occur in the last 3rd of the night.  So if you are very serious, wake up after 2 thirds of the night and take a piss. You can combine this with a WBTB and WILD to lucid dream.
  • Desensitize your glans.


4. Category: Use Magick

  • Servitors. I made 3 servitors for that purpose. One to prevent blue balls. One to wake me up well before the point of no return and one for preventing WDs in general. So far I've put most effort into the one who wakes me up well before ejaculation. So far, he has been effective. 
  • Ask your higher self or guiding spirits for asvice or protection
  • Ask Spirits, Deities or Angels. Archangel Michael is good for protection. A good evocation ritual is in Damon Brand's book Archangels of Magick
  • Intention: Have an iron intention to not have WDs. Particularly before bed. Read Magnum Opus by john Kreiter
  • Make throught forms. read John Kreiter's book "manifest wealth and prosperity"
  • Find or invent sigils and spells for that purpose
  • Before sleep, visualize how you wake up dry. Having saved your semen.

Magick is real and works. Read this thread: 



5. Category

  • Stretches
  2. Lajin is also said to help with wet dreams
  • Don't sweat during the night. have it cool.
  • no heavy blanket (which could put pressure on your dick). I currently just use a bed sheet.
  • lie on your back. (you get used to it after a while)
  • Don't wear anything that might put pressure on your dick. Sleep naked or with something loose.


6. Category

  • Don't eat 2-4 hours before bed
  • Put a pillow beneath your knees during the night 
  • Don't eat spicy food
  • eat vegan
  • channel the energy into your life purpose
  • meditation, yoga 
  • At ease before bed. Not irritated


Just try and choose what works for you.

If you know any more tips, then please post them :)

I'm currently putting quite some effort into preventing wet dreams because I feel a significant difference after some weeks of semen preservation. Imagine the benefits after months or even years.

"A Bramachari, who, for a period of twelve years has not allowed even a drop of semen to come out, will enter into Samadhi without any effort"

- Swami Sivananda

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