Insane Potential of Deep Hypnosis (Astral Projections, Enlightenment,...)

By GreenWoods in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God,
1.Hypnotic Phenomena Catalepsy: Inability to move Anesthesia: Inability to feel/sense a body part  Amnesia: Inability to remember sth Somnambulism: very deep trance Esdaile State / Coma State: The deepest hypnotic state. When a patient is allergic against narcotics, then some doctors used to bring the patient into the Esdaile State for heart surgeries. You keep full consciousness while in the Esdaile State and are so deep that you wouldn't even feel a heart surgery.  The nice thing about hypnotic phenomena is that they can be anchored. That means, if you anchor the Esdaile State you can enter it at any time in less than 10 seconds. 2.Benefits 2.1. OBEs - How to reliably have OBEs: - Benefits of OBEs:  2.2 Enlightenment 2 possibilities: Once in the Esdaile State, induce an OBE and then materialize and take psychedelics. The Esdaile State itself is already somewhat nondual. If you want to meditate towards enlightenment, then first go into the Esdaile State, and then do your meditation or self-inquiry, it will be on steroids. How many monks are able to go so deep that they could have a heart surgery without narcotics? Imagine starting your meditation practice from that place.   2.3 Orgasms You can have very long hands-free, whole-body orgasms. And if you anchor it, you can have them instantly. Here is one hypnosis audio for hands free orgasms:    Already on the first time listening, I felt a surge of pleasure throuch my whole body every time she clapped her hands. I haven't watched it often, so I haven't had a full whole-body orgasm yet. The deeper you can go into trance, the more powerful it will be. So if you are not in trance, you won't feel anything.   2.4 Change your Subconscious So many people do affirmations while only in a shallow trance. You gotta be in somnambulism for them to be very effective.   2.5 Healing and Regeneration Esdaile State: Marco Lorenz says that your body heals far quicker when in the Esdaile State. He also says that it is the highest form of regeneration. He sometimes goes for a few days without sleep and spends a few hours in the Esdaile State, and he feels perfectly rested. I believe he said 1 hour of being in the Esdaile State equals 8 hours of sleep in terms of energy and regeneration. But he said it doesn't permanently replace sleep. Sichort State: This state is similar to the Esdaile State. Mr Sichort supposedly found that physical healing is increased 6-10 times while being in that state. This was apparently documented by the doctors Dolman and Marko through a method of systemic encyme counts. ( I haven't fact-checked that). Mr. Sichort is for example said to have healed a girl that was born with polio.   3. Esdaile State It was discovered by James Esdaile, a Scottish surgeon. It is reported that he reduced the post-operative fatality rate from 50% down to below 10% (compared to surgeries with narcotics), because of a lessening of post-operative shock (in the 19th century). I guess the Esdaile State is similar to sleep yoga, staying aware during deep sleep. Though sleep yoga is certainly way more nondual, but that might be because the monks are trained and aim for concentrating on the nondual. And it probably also depends on the depth of the Esdaile State (in case it has degrees of depth). In any case, Marco Lorenz said that when you are fully in the Esdaile State, you have epsilon brainwaves (0-0.5hz). And the tibetan monks have delta brain waves (0.5-4 hz) during deep sleep. If you look up epsilon brainwaves, they are found in hard core yogis. So getting into epsilon is definitely very valuable. And it is definitely far easier to get into the Esdaile State than managing sleep yoga. That might indicate that you are in a deeper state in sleep yoga, or that their techniques are less effective, idk. The fastest way to enter the Eadaile State is by going to a hypnotist. If he is very good, you can enter it within a few sessions. Once you have been there a few times and have already somewhat anchored it, it is far easier to achieve on your own. On your own, by listening to good  audios, I guess that the average practitioner can reliably enter the Esdaile State after 40-200 hours of practice. Two videos where Marco talks a bit about the Esdaile State in german:     4. Going into Trance  First of all, going into trance is a skill like playing football, the more you practice the better you get. And everyone can be hypnotized and go deep into trance. I would suggest you listen to a good guided hypnosis that brings you to the Esdaile State. Unfortunately there isn't much out there.  Unless you find a very good one, I would recommend that after listening to many different hypnosis audios and somewhat learning how hypnosis works, you make your own script and record it. The benefit is that you can perfectly adjust it to your goals, strengths and weaknesses, and you can mix in the binaural beats you like most. I've already made a few hypnosis audios myself. With some I can't go deep in trance, but with one I get deeper than with professional audios. So making them yourself definitely works and it isn't that much work, just write a script, record it, mix the recordings together and add binaural beats. There are free audio editing apps. Some basic tips: The most important thing about hypnosis is that you are passive, receptive, surrender and let go. The conscious mind needs to step aside so that it is directly communicated with the subconscious. Dont try to make anything happen, just observe and notice how it happens by itself (when you are suggested to go deeper or relax. But when you are suggested to nod your head, you can consciously nod the head) If you want to get very deep then it's helpful to be a bit tired. You need to find the sweetspot so that you are a bit tired and are more receptive but not as tired that you fall asleep or can't concentrate. I like to do all my hypnosis while lying down. If you want to induce OBEs or mystical states, then do the hypnosis during the night after a WBTB. In order to go very deep into trance you usually need a deep bodily and mental relaxation If you doubt at the beginning whether you are actually in trance: You probably are. Trance doesn't feel magical. Everytime you watch tv you go into trance. The question is how deep you go. Swallow reflex. I put some pillows beneath my matress and pillows beneath my head, that makes a big difference. Otherwise, you just need to get used to the salvio and untrain the swallow reflex. Or just use it as a deepener. "Every time I swallow I sink deeper into trance". You can improve your suggestibility by making suggestions to yourself during the day and then following them like: "when I count to 5 I'm gonna drink sth". I recommend you record yourself saying some suggestions including some which improve your suggestibility and which say that you can easiliy go deep into hypnosis and into the Eadaile State. Then listen to it after a deep hypnosis session.   5. Audios 5.1 Esdaile State  Marco Lorenz has a very good Eadaile State Hypnosis. But it's in german: This site has Esdaile State inductions, but it seems like the website isn't active anymore. 3 weeks ago I purchased an audio but haven't gotten a download yet, and no answers to my emails. Perhaps you have more luck contacting them. - Audio Digital.htm The full Elman induction brings you to the Esdaile State. But I haven't found an audio yet, so you would have to record the script yourself.  Just listen to audios which are designed to get you into deep hypnosis: 5.2 Deep Hypnosis The youtube channel UltraHypnosis has a whole playlist with deep hypnosis audios. Here are some:             5.3 Audios by: Ultrahypnosis: They make very good free hypnosis audios on youtube. some good ones:    Nimja  He doesn't have binaural beats in his audios, so you can mix those you like most. Zach Pincince . He has a few videos to induce stuff like catalepsy and amnesia in the viewer.   But most of his videos show how he hypnotizes people on the street.  David Barren:  His super Somnabulist course teaches you catalepsy, anesthesia and amnesia and good visualisation skills.  It is good but not really better than free content in youtube. Though I like the 4th video of his course. I cut out the boring stuff and made the parts about anesthesia and amnesia cycle many times, thus the effectiveness is increased. 5.4 Binaural Beats  I had been underestimating the power of binaural beats (and isochronic tones). You can't expect them to work on the first try. The brain is like a muscle, and everytime you listen to binaural beats, you train a specific brain region. Thus you can train your brain to go into alpha, theta, delta and ultimately epsilon waves. So binaural beats are very useful to mix into hypsnosis adios. When you practice with binaural beats, you should gradually go down from alpha to epsilon over a course of weeks or months without skipping a stage. And you must have headphones. (I believe In ear headphones are fine too, but the quality is lower).  I recommend the binaural beats by Marco lorenz. He has the most high quality. Usually you get them in mp3, but he sells them in wav 24 and wav 36. That means the quality is exponentially higher and he said he observed a noticable difference on the EEG. Before you buy the more expensive wav version, make sure that you have a device that can deliver the quality. It certainly isn't necessary to have them in wav but it probably gives an additional boost. Marco has his own research lab and adds some more technologes to his binaural beats like 3D technlogies and dissociative sounds. His website is in german, so use google translate.  The binaural beats are without voice so it doesn't matter. Here is a link to some of his binaural beats. I can recommend alpha till epsilon. If they are too expensive, then binaurals from youtube will certainly do as well.   6. Resources to learn hypnosis Google: go through reddit posts, they have a lot of valuable information. Don't even bother searching through normal internet sites, most are so low quality. YouTube: Watch some of Zeck Pincince videos He is very skilled. You can learn a lot by watching him.  Books: "The Elman Induction" by Graham Old. Informative short book. Also includes some pages about the Esdaile State with an induction script. Very recommended I haven't yet read these two but they are said to be good: "Hypnosis: A Comprehensive Guide: Producing Deep Trance Phenomena". and : "Reality is plastic"   If you have any questions, Im happy to answer
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