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Problems with splinter-groups

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@Leo Gura, you had said in your 'Collective Ego' video that if people create their own little splinter groups on this forum, you have a problem with it. You'd want to moderate it and stop people from creating their little factions on the forum. Why is that?

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It turns to conspiracy theories real quick. Racist and dum dums come to life and they start spewing their garbage and they cant be reasoned with so they push of all normal people away and it turns to 4 chan. 

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On the other hand, there are some special interest topics in the 'mega-threads' so if your main interest is Kriya Yoga, psychedelics, dream boards, Shamanic breathing or whatever you can have a more informal grouping of like-minded folks to hang out with. If you want a proper splinter group there's plenty of places elsewhere on the net where you can go and set one up.

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