
Ayahuasca Recipe with caapi and viridis

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Hello, is there anyone who can give me a recipe of ayahuasca with caapi and psychotoria viridis? I am especially curious about the ratio and amount of the ingredients.

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@ucan99 I brewed my own in March. Here's a short report.

Regarding the brew, here's some additional information. There were 2 of us, we had dried 100g of each. We started brewing around 10 AM in a forest. The plants (200g together) were boiling in the same pot. After 4 hours, we poured the water into another pot, leaving the soaked plants at the bottom. We started brewing a second batch on top of them. Same process, 4 hours of boil, then merged together with the first batch. The plants could be thrown away now. Finally, after 8 hours of brewing, we began to reduce the water. We put the second pot with all the substance (the water will look muddy or earthy) and slowly boiled it until there was as little water as possible. You really don't want to drink much. What had been almost a full pot was now enough to fill two small mugs. It was the most disgusting thing I've ever drinked.

Send it down the throat, don't think about it, don't taste it. Read my short report and assume I had 50g of dried each. Take into consideration your previous psychedelic experiences, act responsibly.

Edited by SirVladimir

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Hey there,

I was wondering if you know a working recipe for brewing aya? 

I have 32g of caapi, 100g of psychotria, 10g of chaliponga, mimosa hostilis 13g (grounded), and 5-8g of Syrian rue. All dried. 

So, how do I make aya from 1) caapi and viridis and separately from 2) Syrian rue and mimosa? 

I did my research, but haven’t found a good recipe. 

I would like to know much water is needed for the first option per person. Is it 300 ml of water? Do I boil or just simmer the brew for several hours? I’ve read that if you boil then all alkaloids might be destroyed. Some websites suggest you first simmer caapi for 45 min, then add honey and drink it (MAIO), plus you can chew the rue. Then add viridis and mimosa to a different pan of boiling water, simmer for 45 min to one hour and drink it. So, making them separately in a case if you purge, so you can still drink your second brew with dmt already after caapi. 
Some advise to simmer caapi + viridis together, and collect the brew 3 times. Do I need to add each time 300ml of water or less? 

Also, is it true that the Syrian rue + mimosa hostilis is not the true ayahuasca? Only with caapi it is considered so?

And how does the effect last if I brew 32g of caapi and 40g of psychotria per person? Or there won’t be any? I need it not for fun, no,  but for the spiritual enlightenment. It’s important for me.

Sorry for so many questions. 
I would be very very grateful for any guidances and help ?.

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@intrance I know it's been a while sínce you had posted. In case you read this, I'll leave a simple message.

I have no experience with rue and mimosa. If it's your first time, I wouldn't worry much about admixtures. Keep it simple:

Prepare a pot. Throw caapi and psychotria together. Pour enough water so it's all underwater. Lightly boil for 4 hours. Pour off the first batch. Let it sit inside a second pot. Keep the soaked plants in the first pot. Repeat the boil for 4 hours. Pour off the second batch. Throw away the plants. You will be left with a pot of brown liquid. Bring it to simmer. Reduce until it is manageable (drinkable) in a single cup. Don't make it too thick. 

That's it. :)

I just randomly stumbled upon your message. I'm planning to brew again in about two weeks. Two of us. 100g caapi, 50g chaliponga, 10g chacruna.

Edited by SirVladimir

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