
The Importance of Radical Release of Judgement of Others

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Wanted to emphasise, or make a particular technique 'stick out' and get some attention as I believe its a great process/technique.

The importance of releasing judgement of others is huuuuge! All judgements of yourself actually stem from judging yourself. If you judge someone else for being lazy, careless or something else, as soon as you find yourself doing it, you suffer... a lot. Try and become aware of that. Judgements are part of standards and conditions you have set for yourself which define what happiness is. Its part of a process of creating conditional happiness. All your life you have chased these standards, and tried to run away from anything other than these standards, especially its opposite. This process also exists in spirituality. One of these standards is 'high consciousness', where you chase the idea of yourself being 'highly conscious' while running away from the idea of you being 'low consciousness'. Imagine if you're viewing a post on here and a person writes something nooby or stupid and you therefore label that person or his post as low conscious. Now imagine while discussing spirituality, someone says you're low conscious. Try and see that you're triggered because you yourself judge and label other people as low conscious.

This process is actually a 'blocker' for seeing yourself in others. Its a mechanism of separation. So long as you judge, you isolate yourself from 'others', define yourself as different to others. This works a little bit in the beginning, but in the long term you yearn to be one with others and so it backfires.

By merging or realize you're one with others,  you actually need to radically, and completely release all judgement of others. These judgements include: low consciousness, dumb, stupid, egoic, spiritual ego, inhumane, backwards, primitive, etc. 

God can't help being God, and because of that, God dreams up and pretends to be everyone. He/She pretends to be Hannity, Tucker, Trump, Connor, Owen Cook, Hitler, the Pope, Leo, Adyshanti, etc. God literally pretends to be everything you judge. God is capable, and literally does do stupid, dumb, primitive, low consciousness, inhumane, evil and weird things. Everything in the world that you see others doing, is literally what God does. Relatively speaking, you will reincarnate as Trump or Tucker after this life. 

Not only must you embrace, unconditionally love, accept and celebrate who you are, but you must do these things with ALL others. Relatively speaking, you could reincarnate and do anything or everything you judge. 

And the trick is, your judgements aren't real. What the others do IS real, but whether what they do is bad or good, or inhumane, or low conscious, etc. is not.

And you can finally retreat from the rat race of chasing some arbitrary standards, and just enjoy whatever is happening now. 

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Amazing post! Yes, you are so right that all judgments towards others will eventually backfire you and separate yourself, I have lived that in my first experience and it ruined my connection and social live for most of my life. Serious stuff .

I'd like to put it like this: Since everything is You, when you judge other, you are literally judging a facet of yourself! Let's say your thin and you judge a far guy, well if someday you get fat you will judge yourself because that you haven accepted that facet yet.

I actually have discovered an "exercise" to practice this. I don't know about you but sometimes when I am watching a movie or a TV show, some "cringe" situation will pop up where I used to skip that part because of so much cringe it gave me. But recently I realized I NEVER should do that! No matter how cringe it is that situation, ITS ME! I must go through the hard process (for the ego) of accepting a part of me (anything thing or anyone that I see in reality) that I feel embarassment or cringe. Once you accept that there's a new level of Self acceptance and love that you have about yourself.

It's all YOU! You better not judge YOURself then ?

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Yes, you're completely right here. This is a very important thing to recognise and often dismissed as basic understanding, but there are much deeper levels to this. Resisting others is ultimately resisting yourself. Even on a basic level, the specific aspects of people that you resist are qualities that you actually have yourself, that your ego resists! That you bury and hide and blame others for.


My two tips for putting this to practice:

Number 1: Truly take on the attitude that there is No such thing as an external problem. Ultimately if everything is one then this is obviously true. All the problems you find in others are actually contained within your self. But even on a basic psychological level the real problem is you needing others to change. Start to see when you get triggered, when you begin to judge and react, and then remind yourself that there is no such thing as an external problem. Diffuse the tension internally and open yourself up completely to the situation. You will become better and better at this process meerly from recognizing that this happens. This meaning that YOU can cure all problems internally through opening yourself.


Number 2: Begin to recognise that where you find resistance you are on to something - you have the opportunity to grow. Meerly by enforcing this conceptual pattern into your life - into your moments of resistance, you will start to quickly solve any resistance that arises. Again through opening. This is a subtle but very powerful process that requires practice and developing a feel. Similar to developing the feel of a clutch when driving a manual car. Once you know the feel you can change gears effortlessly.


Putting these things into practice requires basic mindfulness practice. Start to become aware of your emotional changes and reactions as soon as they arise. This requires a strong intention and again - more opening lol.


As a reminder the two tips are:

There is no such thing as an external problem

Where you find resistance, you’re on to something

These may seem like basic statements but in my experience little jingles like these can serve as mindfulness reminders and come to thw mind much more easily in moments of deep resistance.


Thanks for this post. Very valuable insight. Although it may seem simple it is one of the most difficult insights to put into practice. This is where you see peoples true level of spiritual growth!

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