
Need Help about break up

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Hi all I break up my lover about 1 week ago. Now it hursts so much i cant help myself thinking about her it seems like i cant live without her.
What should i do how can i deal break up. She said give me time so how can i rebuild that love. @Leo Gura I losted even i dont undersand what i want by the way i am 22 y.o Please give me advice!

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Oh man, I feel you, I know its hard. 

I ended a 7 year relationship last year, and man its been though. 

Honestly, cry a LOT. 

Read about grief so you understand the process better. 

Part of your identity was probably attached to your lover, so it feels like you lost a part of you. So CRY, everytime you cry you heal your wound. 

Also, write a LOT

Get it all out, anything you feel however irrational or weird it seems. I personally wrote a lot of "letters" for her of everything I would like to say to her, but never send them, I realized it was more for me than for her. 

Recopile all the lessons from your relationship, how you changed, all the mistakes you've made, all that you don't want to repeat, what you would like for future partners, and everything that could make you grow after this relationship. 

There's hope, yes its gonna be very painful but there's light at the end, its a great moment of growth. 

Feel it ALL. 

Much Love ❤️

Connect to Create ☼♡

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On 10.06.2020 г. at 11:03 PM, Askarov said:

She said give me time so how can i rebuild that love.

Be strong. I suggest you move on. Some things are not meant to be.

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On 10/06/2020 at 5:33 PM, Askarov said:

Hi all I break up my lover about 1 week ago. Now it hursts so much i cant help myself thinking about her it seems like i cant live without her.
What should i do how can i deal break up. She said give me time so how can i rebuild that love. @Leo Gura I losted even i dont undersand what i want by the way i am 22 y.o Please give me advice!

22? You have your whole life to settle down. Download hinge, tinder, bumble, and others. Start chatting up girls. Learn to code. Get muscles. Suddenly, you start dating a lot. You begin having more selection. You have a life that isn't about just a gf. You have night and day. You have separation. You were single once. Here you are again. OWN IT. There is no greater time in mankind to be single. The opportunity and options are endless assuming you do something about it. You can start Leo's purpose course. You can do courses online. You can start exercising from home. You can learn meditation and a new language. 

Embrace the pain but transfer it to training, lifting, getting muscles, and a ideal life. At 22, I was partying and Dating lots. Msn and MySpace was a thing. Fb too. If i had settled then, i would likely have baby mamma drama and a divorce. I wasn't ready. Hell, I am still not. 

Link up with your boys. Never ditch friends and family because of a gf or wife. Get out with your buddies. Test the waters. I met a girl at a dog park. I met two more post workout at the park. I met another running a circuit. She invited me. 

Assuming you use the time wisely, it will be the greatest defining moment of your life. The choice is yours. 

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