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About Askarov

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  1. @Shin i am thinking i am not enough and i have zero motivation
  2. I have read a lot of self help books and watched lots of vids but now i am stuck i dont know where to start and i am always procrastinating Whats your best advice to 22 years old guy
  3. yeah everything happens for a reason
  4. hi all is it possible to start to new life and forget past? my head just stuck with past and now i have no motivation to do anything
  5. Why leo gura doesn't have any social media pages except Youtube?
  6. Hi all after depression i lose my weight now i am so skinny anyone now how to gain weight proper way?
  7. thanks man now we are chatting with telegram every day cos of covid about the 4 month we are not met in person
  8. Hi all some days ago me and my lover were fighted and after that i did everything to save this relationship now things goes ok but the problem is now i Realised that i am so needy and my mind keep tells me you cannot live without her. Now we start talking each other everythings ok but i am not fulfilment and i feel fear of losing her. So what should i do what kind of exercises can help this situation?
  9. @Oliver Saavedra thanks man
  10. Hi all I break up my lover about 1 week ago. Now it hursts so much i cant help myself thinking about her it seems like i cant live without her. What should i do how can i deal break up. She said give me time so how can i rebuild that love. @Leo Gura I losted even i dont undersand what i want by the way i am 22 y.o Please give me advice!