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can we explain psychedelics under the materialist paradigm ?

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12 hours ago, Red-White-Light said:

@Someone here Drug go in brain -> Chemical affects brain -> Brain alters state of consciousness 


To take that position - and only that position - is very close-minded and not the whole truth:-)

A more full perspective is this:

consciousness/imaginary psychedelics go into my imaginary brain -> consciousness affects my imaginary brain -> my 'personal direct qualia-like-consciousness' is changed and simultaneously my imaginary brain is changed when I study it - as consciousness - using some scanner/EEG.

Let me ask you something red-white-light:

When you have a patient under the influence of psilocybin in a MRI-scanner and observe the pictures showing changes in his brain, who's observing those pictures/the results of the MRI-scanner? Consciousness.

And do you get direct access to the patient's qualia-subjective-experience by studying his brain in a scanner/EEG? No. Can we ever get direct access to the patient's subjective-qualia-like experience by studying his brain? No. 


Consciousness is the ground of being, my friend. It's what comes first.
It is the canvas on which everything else is painted on.

Consciousness is: 
- 'that' which creates form,
- 'that' which perceives form, 
- 'the canvas' on which form is painted,
'the substance' of form itself.



Form is emptiness
Emptiness is form


Edited by WaveInTheOcean

Can you bite your own teeth?  --  “What a caterpillar calls the end of the world we call a butterfly.

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I would say it like this, that the materialistic scientist are to close minded to make progress with conciousness, and to say that the brain is conciousness and so forth is kinda ignorant. 

How come that the most profound experiences People have is when the brain has stop "functioning " like near death experiences, some psychadelics and so forth is actually decreasing the activity of the brain and then people have the most real experience ever, 


I think it is because conciousness is taking a location in the brain and when damage or order stuff happens to the brain the conciousness gets a bit distorted or more released from the brain. 


Problem with science is that they Will reduce it down to hallucination or that it doesen't exist. Talk about close mindedness. 


It needs more openminded philosophers to see the bigger picture. 


Materialist have gotten to much power where they now thinks they can solve all and they are the elite and everybody who opposes is a charlatan.  Wtf .


Let thy speech be better then silence, or be silent.

- Pseudo-dionysius 

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