
The spiritual value of fasting

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Earlier today I did some strong determination sitting and I did it on an empty stomach (no food or drink the whole day) and what I noticed was that the meditation was so much easier!

Can anyone else attest to the value of fasting as a spiritual practice?

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@Elshaddai It's definitely a spiritual practice. Makes you more grateful and pulls you out of being a slave to the appetite. Also pretty healthy.

In the Qu'ran it says fasting brings you closer to god-consciousness, and I could feel that. My head felt clearer.

Describe a thought.

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21 hours ago, Osaid said:

In the Qu'ran it says fasting brings you closer to god-consciousness, and I could feel that. My head felt clearer.

Same here. But it certainly isn't an easy practice but I guess there is merit to fasting since most religions practice it in some form.

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@Elshaddai Definitely works. However, during the fasting most important thing is being kind. If anger (ego) takes control of you, because you are hungry, there is no success of fasting. Fasting is important to handle and decrease the ego. 

"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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In my own experience fasting proved to be an amazing tool for clarity of mind, deep and insightful retrospection, self observation and the 'aha' moments. The greatest surprise was that hunger is a psyche thing and is usually a craving, not an actual hunger that a starved / seriously malnourished person would feel. I have done 22/2 and 24h intermittent fasting for about 2 months straight. I would love to continue, but I am a petite creature and I wasn't able to fit my minimum calories intake within a 2hour window every day, and as a result my weight started to drop significantly. I now practice a 16/8 fasting on a daily basis and meditate early mornings on an empty stomach. It is so much more rewarding and I am able to sit for longer now than before I started my journey with fasting. Also, on a physical level, I noticed an increased stamina and a better overall performance. Fasting certainly won't hurt you and it's worth a try, but I know it's not for everyone. My partner gave it up the very first day we tried it out. He said it made him feel pretty miserable.

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Very Nice Question, would be glad to answer ! 

Answer to your questions involves 3 topics , First -- What is Tapas or Austerity in relation to fasting, why It is practiced. 

Tapas or Austerity is one of under 5 Niyama of Ashtanga yoga. It is practiced to purify our inner layer of ego,sense control and effects of illusionary mind. Accepting hardship or giving hardship purify your bad karma and lead you to self realization.

2nd- Mitahara - the concept for Yogis and 3rd - Yogic diet or Satvic diet effects on us. 

Mitahara - A light diet for light body , so you can lead a disease free and controlled mind.and if your mind is under control ,, body will follow it. 

Read third -


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On 30/05/2020 at 6:07 PM, Elshaddai said:

Earlier today I did some strong determination sitting and I did it on an empty stomach (no food or drink the whole day) and what I noticed was that the meditation was so much easier!

Can anyone else attest to the value of fasting as a spiritual practice?

I posted mine here and another forum. I am currently doing intermittent fasting. I have made it part of practice. I Meditate, I exercise, and I eat healthy nutritional meals. I read books like ACIM, Bhagavad Gita, Conversation with God etc. 

I sleep well now from fasting. I lucid dream. Its vivid. I feel better and I am more aesthetic from the process. 

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@Mantra Yoga A bit late, but I find your comments on yoga very informative and interesting so thanks!

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