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Why is North American English so messed up?

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Canadian and American. Not everyone speaks like this, yet the majority, as it seems to me, do.


"Those people, (they) aren't aware"

"My motorcycle, (it) is new"

What are the "they" and "it" for?


2) Like... like like like....... like

If you remove 90% of the "like", the meaning won't change.


3) just ... jus .... just... just... very-very, literaly, exactly -- everything is often exagerated

it's not "very", it's "very very". Soon even that much won't be enough, and it'll become "very very very very". And so on.


4) "I'm going to talk about that, but ..."

"We haven't seen it, but!"

What's the "but!" for?


5) Vocabulory -- seems limited because I'm familiar with most of the words.


6) I can do it so.

"So" what? What's the "so" for at the end of a sentence?


7) "I'm not saying"

You  say "I'm not saying" so often that I'm confused what it is you're saying and what it is you aren't saying.



The english of Australia, England, New Zeland, South Africa is way more pleasent to hear.


What do you think?

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"I’m very highly educated. I know words, I have the best words...but there is no better word than stupid. Right?"

I think they don't have the best words, unlike Trump. At least they have a great influence.

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