
Visions and Entities Journal

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   Hello all. Before I begin I'll offer some context about me and my visual skills so far: Most of my childhood, I'm fortunate enough to play playstation video games and because of the camera angles, sometimes fixed, sometimes following the characters I play, that those times it allows my mind's eye to better able to shift around 3d environments. I also was involved with some martial  arts classes, which would later help me better establish myself, or my mind's body, in a visualization scene.

   In my adolescent years, I started getting involved with drawing and playing chess, both activities helped me see in greater detail and greater stability of a flat image/3d location, colours and shapes.

   I've also shared my paranormal experience in a thread in spiritual sub-forum, so I'll briefly summarise here(also because I'm still thick when it comes to technology using a phone lol...); I, as a toddler, was haunted by a female ghost in Indonesia,  a land of many Islands home to many supernatural things, somehow through paranormal means the ghost fudged off, I had some lingering anger issues from that that lasted up to my 20's and through meditation it supsided, while holidaying with my parents, older sister and brother in law I met a friendly entity at Niagara Falls and for the past five years she's been with me as a close friend. Looking back now, because of these circumstances I was able to develop far more of my visualization skills than normal, mainly because through effort to see my close friend while going through my day, imposing some form of her beside me and in my mindscape, gradually seeing more details of her in a multi-sensory way.

   The main reason I'm starting this journal is to serve as a documentation digitally about my progress for me, and to share experiences and help you to develop your own visualization skills. It's also because so far have not met a person here or in real life that has this much visualization skills as I have, and thought that this skill would be very useful for most people to have in general. Also, lately I've been doing research on tulpas, which is probably the case with my situation, and experimenting around with this field, so I'll probably include a later stage with some sections on Tulpae and developing them.

   I've already planned two sections on dealing with thoughts on your own and meditation, but I forgoe them assuming that the majority of you here have developed some focus and meditation abilities. Instead, I'll briefly introduce seven sections, under the stage of developing visualization:

Section one: mind's eye: like your real world eyes, but you mentally see objects, other people and places.

Section two: mind's ear: like your ears, except it's mental and also where catchy songs and creative sounds of instruments or voices happen.

Section three: mind's skin: like your skin, but mentally felt as remembered different pressures, temperatures, textures...

Section four: mind's nose: like your nose, but here is where you remember smells of people, plants, foods...

Section five: mind's tongue: like your tongue, but is mental and whatever you've tasted is remembered.

Section six: mind's space: your mind's ability or memories of locations.

Section seven: mental body development: like your current body you're having now, except it's mental and has many mental features to it that empowers visualization and slipping into mental spaces.

   So this is sort of my overview of this journal, so I hope this resonates or you're curious to try out with me and share your experiences with some of the exercises in each section. Speaking of exercises, here's a list to try out and approximately gauge your visualization skills. The goal with each is to last 5-10 minutes, each exercises, and see where you are at skill wise. Rate 1-10, 1 is really good, but feel free to use other rating systems ir percentages if you want.

Exercise one: picture. Pick a picture, examine it, take in the colours, shapes, people, as much details in 1-2 minutes. Then leave it, forget it, and wait for an hour or the next day, don't view the physical picture. Then, in a meditative state, close your eyes and recreate as much of the picture as you can. The ideal goal is hyper-realism to realistic dipiction, this is a worthy goal, but is not required for the successful completion of exercises, as long as you can notice even a little improvement, it's passable.

Exercise two: hand under object. Pick a hand size or smaller object most familiar to you. Take in the details, colours and shape of both the object and your hand, it's weight and texture. Leave it and wait for an hour or day. In a meditative state, close your eyes and recreate the object and your hand in as much details as you can. Ideally, hyper-realistic to realistic, but less than that is enough to pass.

Exercise three: I'm hungry. In a meditative state, bring to mind your favourite meal, and recreate the scene in as much details as you can, include the aromas of the food and drinks, their flavours and textures in your mouth, and the spaciousness of the room your in. Ideally both hyper-realistic dipiction and a deep sense of 3d space in your memory, but anything less is a success.

Exercise four: musical rooms. In a meditative state, bring to mind a memory of songs, singing voices and instruments most familiar to you. Start playing the songs in your head in as much details as you can bare, and either play the next few songs or albums, or switch to an entirely different genre of music. Ideal goals include realistic dipiction and echoe location.

That's it for today. Do these exercises for about a week and share. Feel free to include different exercises here as well.

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On 2020-05-05 at 9:02 PM, remember said:

@Danioover9000 thank you for the invitation and the effort! i‘ll be happy to participate. you should use this as an experiment platform and transfer the tasks into a self help book later. but its probably more fun to create while people are already participating. will give it more vibrancy and make it more vital :)

   Your welcome, and thank you for your participation. Also, thanks for the suggestion for a self-help book. I've dabbled with writing in the past, so this might be worth considering while I'm organizing this journal.

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On 2020-05-06 at 9:37 PM, modmyth said:

@Danioover9000 I'm definitely interested in this and would be willing to give your experiment a go. This relates to some of the personal work that I'm doing right now actually, with writing down many many different meditations and visualizations, as well as exercises that build visualization skills too.

What do you anticipate that the uses for honing these skills might be? The obvious one is creative visualization, like LOA work, but also, just for general exploration reasons and enjoyment. Do you have a sort of specific end goal in mind beyond just having better skills? This is what I have been thinking about for a while.

I also have hyperrealistic multisensory visualization, or more vivid than real life, although the quality and intensity of it tends to wax and wane based on other factors.

   Thank you for your participation! Good to know I'm not the only one improving visualization skills hardcore as well.

   My anticipation, and hope, for honing these visualization skills is to help most people stick to their goals a bit longer and re-commit when times are tough, along with developing creative visualizations as well.

   At the moment a specific end- goal, like 10, 20, 30 or so years in my own life is not definable yet to me, but in context to this journal, it would be to set a foundation to allow other users a more stable and effective way of better visualization and to serve as a guide for those who had similar experiences like I had, along with the following; interaction with Tulpa(e), creating, developing and managing whatever types of relationships with them, creating hyper-realistic locations at a large scale in mind, and hyper-realistic beings you can practice effectively with on any subject manner (socializing, brain-storming, shadow-boxing, etc...). Also, for me, besides further visual improvements, I want to understand what's really going on with my unusual circumstance, to understand this interesting field that is Tulpa, and to experience what some people in this field refer to as 'wonderlands', 'switching with a Tulpa', 'merging'. Also, to really push my limits with visualization, to really see if I could get more and more realistic with my visualizations. that one day I'm in a whole other world. There's so much more, but that's so far my main motivation for now.

   I sometimes do get the occasional waning and flickering, not so with seeing, hearing, and feeling, but with tasting, smelling, and shifting balance. Sometimes if I'm moving too fast and there are lots of head movement or in general body-movements, I tend to fall flat to the ground, and sometimes through it. I'll also add fixing the wonkiness that happens in visualization as a source of motivation too.

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14 hours ago, remember said:

i also met an entity who spoke to me when i was a child. it’s beautiful to get reconnected with these abilities to connect again.

as a creative i‘ve always liked to talk about the stuff i was about to make, somehow without feedback loops its not as much fun. even with an entity as company. also the quality of what you create usually is better. 

   It's an amazing feeling to be able to communicate with entities, not just the ones outside of yourself, or of higher or different vibrations, but also with a Tulpa. For other entities besides Tulpae, I think increasing your ability to focus longer and deeper and including methods of mind stabilization are necessary for that kind of communication. 

   It gets better. Not only can you discuss ideas with tulpas, but also discuss alternatives and improvements to any product or service. You can have also conversations with them for half an hour or more, and there's usually a stronger connection that allows a deeper and empathetic understanding as well. I love it when one does give a surprising alternative that's very creative, regardless if it's a hit or miss.

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   Hello all. I hope you've done the exercises listed above and have some good experiences and made you motivated to continue visualizing. For me, I've done them and found them easy, especially exercises 1, 3, and 4. I made 1 more challenging by drawing the tree I remembered seeing a couple of years ago before the neighbor chopped it down, with pencil, and visualizing myself walking around this tree I've drawn in 3d, with the graphite texture, color and smell still on it instead of a real-life tree, inside the picture itself. With 3, I just walked around my Japanese back garden, while the radio in the garage playing 90\s songs, I replayed dreamscape songs like 'Trance', Born to be wasted', 'You can do anything', and some songs from Three Days Grace and Luna Remix within my mind. I've worked on my visualization skills for so long it seems I have nearly forgotten how hard it really is. I once really struggled to mentally listen to a song while a song from an outside source was playing, and sometimes had blurs or wonky forms of mental pictures.

   Let's move on to section 1 of developing your visualization: mind's eye. For some, this is also referred to as the third eye chakra or Ajna chakra. Others would say it's the occipital lobes in the brain responsible for processing visual perception. Regardless, it is my belief that without a strong mind's eye, or even the existence of the mind's eye, you would be severely limited in your ability to achieve goals in your life. Not just in general parts of your life, but also when you want to go deeper with it. Some spiritual traditions use some practices, like Yantras or complex Mandalas, that targets your ability to see an object in your mind. There are even paranormal abilities/supernatural aspects related to the mind's eye, like clairvoyance or perceiving spirits. And so much more I can't cover them all here, but I hope I've piqued your interest.

   If you're interested in developing a tulpa, an imaginary close companion, then a strong mind's eye is important when, if you want to, to be able to superimpose their form onto your visual perception and see it move around in reality. I'll further elaborate on this advanced form of visualization later in the next stage, developing your tulpa, once you've worked through stage 1of developing your visualizations. However, if you don't resonate, that's ok. Just stage 1 of developing visualization is still useful for life.

   There are lots of options to develop later with a strong mind's eye, but if you still struggle to see mental images, they're blurry or lose color or lose resolution, then it's crucial you still work on identifying each visual weakness and do isolation training on each one. Before I list some new exercises, I would recommend picking up a drawing activity and/or board game like chess or Chinese Go as a leisure hobby and supplementary training for mental images. Because of these activities, I've progressed further with mental images.

   I've written instructions on the original post, so here are some changes: if you can do 5-10 minutes, increase by 5 minutes for each exercise (or 1 if you're really struggling), and please feel free to add another exercise appropriate to what you're working on, in this case, it's relevant to vision. However, if you wish, go multi-sensory on some exercises, but beware that you won't progress slightly faster than another that uses deliberate practice on each element of visualization.

   Exercise 1: Rippling water. Begin this exercise after a meditation session is complete, and your in a meditative state. Imagine, within your eye lid's darkness, a pond. Now imagine drops of water, on at a time, impacting the pond's surface, and follow each ripple created. Then gradually increase the rate of speed, and increase the volume of drops until you can visualize rainfall and clearly see each ripple on the pond. Now gradually slow time, taking in the flow of the raindrops and ripples until all is paused in time. Now, rewind the process slowly, and gradually increase to a comfy speed, while noting every raindrop and ripple reversing. Repeat this cycle 2-3 times or more if you want.

   Exercise 2: Burning leaves. Begin after a meditation session. In a meditative state, begin imagining an ember. From the ember, imagine the burning rope below it, then the puddle of liquid wax, and finally the rest of the candle and candle holder. now imagine a plate with a leaf. Pick it, set it onto the ember so that it starts to burn, and place it on the plate. Observe it burning until ashes. Now rewind time, at the same speed, and watch it closely until it stops at the point you placed it on the plate. Repeat, gradually adding leaves until you need a barrel to burn the bundles of leaves and un-burn them.

   Exercise 3: Cooking a salad. Begin after a meditation session. Imagine a pan lined with a thin layer of oil, and already heated enough to start cooking.  Now visualize an already chopped-to-pieces melon, apple, grapes, and kiwi. Notice each fruit's colors, and slid them off of the cutting board and into the frying pan. The main thing to visualize is the burning of the fruits as you stir them every now and then and the changes to their colors, how the pigments darken. This is optional, but feel free to use multiple senses, including the cackling of the oil and water, different sweet-smelling aromas, how each piece of fruit feel like, emotionally, undergoing this transformation process, maybe regretting passing judgments onto other fruits with a different sense of humor, or maybe the apple is relieved to change appearance, or what it's like for fruits to have emotions, etc. Take it until all are roasted, and, you guessed it, rewind the entire process backward and forwards. Notice how the pigments lighten up with color. If you took the multi-sensory path, notice especially how the reversal affects the emotions.

   Exercise 4: Orbiting orbitals. Begin after a meditation session. In a meditative state, bring to mind a colored ball of vibrating energy. Imagine it moving in a sort of circular motion around you and sometimes in front of you. Then imagine a different colored ball, sharing a similar orbiting pattern to the first ball. Increase until you have about 4 or so balls around you. Now imagine when one ball touches the other, it shares it's coloring briefly, giving birth to a smaller colored ball with both parent's colors, blended well on some spots, and some not. Keep going until you can't keep track of the balls, then reserve time to any point in the middle of these colors manifesting similar colors and freeze time.

   To conclude, I want to tell you that visualizing isn't always easy, regardless if you're born gifted. I've disclosed this before years ago elsewhere, but I'm not that gifted with picture-perfect mental imagery and had a small degree of mental blindness. Furthermore, a decade or so ago, I've been in a near-fatal accident that made me partially blind on each eye, further making things difficult to see. I persisted anyway, despite the limitation of the scars on my central vision, to work on my mind's eye until I can confidently say for myself that I can visually, near-perfectly see, the objects and situations in my mind with near realistic depictions, despite my eye's limitation. So, even if you feel you don't resonate with what I offer and move on, I strongly urge you to not leave behind your strong will, conviction, and persistence. And regardless of other's opinions of tulpas I've heard in real life and internet, it's still a blessing to have been affected by this in my life, and I want to share this blessing because I've felt some benefits from it that could have a similar effect on those that are open-minded, and for those that had experienced similar things I've been through, and to possibly experience a deeper sense of empathy. For people that resonate, don't stop and continue working on yourself.

   Have a good week, and destiny is all!

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On 2020-05-12 at 7:15 PM, Preety_India said:


What's the purpose of the raindrop exercise 1 and burning exercise 2? 



   Both of these exercises are designed to train your ability to replay any scenery, either to rewind or fast forward. Also, to see in greater detail your pictures or movies you make in your mind.

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   Hello all. I hoped you all have done those exercises above in section one: developing your mind's eyes. I've done these exercises and felt great re-creating rains and burning leaves. I felt a bit more empathy for the burning salad on exercise 3, and 4 was not just visual but vibrational for me, meaning that it's as if I felt the energies from each color.

   Let's move on to section 2 of developing your visualization: mind's ear. For some who are experienced with meditation, when they describe a 'ringing sensation' in between their ears, this is what they're referring to. The mind's ear is also what is being used to play that catchy song in your mind, or when you bring up a memory of a conversation, or when you what to mix and match different sounds together. Some people who are gifted and are involved in spiritual traditions use practices like chanting, prayer, mantras, and certain musical instruments to create mystical experiences through their mind's ear, and some psychic and paranormal abilities and entities are associated with the mind's ear, like spirit communication, phantom whispers, mythical or mystical sounds, so much more I can't cover here but I hope this interests you.

   If you're interested in developing a tulpa, then a strong stable mind's ear is important when listening to your Tulpa communicate, although Tulpae can communicate in other ways than inner voice or mental vocalization. I'll further elaborate when I get to stage 2 on developing your Tulpa. While I think this is important for being able to converse with a Tulpa, If you're not interested, then the spillover effect that develops with a strong mind's ear is tied to visualization. You could visualize musical instruments and work on a song with your band, or practice social techniques in an imaginary social setting, or replicate soothing musical instruments or nature sounds to add to your 'happy place' and so on.

   There are lots of options to develop later with a strong mind's ear, but if you still struggle to hear mental sounds, they're jumbled or lose tone or lose volume, then it's crucial you still work on identifying each aural weakness and do isolation training on each one. Before I list some new exercises, I would recommend picking up a musical instrument and practice, listen to songs, or podcasts as a leisure hobby and supplementary training for mental sounds. Because of these activities, I've progressed much further.

   I've written instructions on the original post, so here are some changes: if you can do 5-10 minutes, increase by 5 minutes for each exercise (or 1 if you're really struggling), and please feel free to add another exercise appropriate to what you're working on, in this case, it's relevant to the hearing. However, if you wish, go multi-sensory on some exercises, but beware that you won't progress slightly faster than another that uses deliberate practice on each element of visualization.

   Exercise 1: Mind radio station. Begin after a meditation session. Start by remembering your favorite songs in your mind and play the songs. At random, switch to another song, either still in the same album or same artist but a different album, or an entirely different genre of music. Try your best to pick out each individual musical element as much as possible.

   Exercise 2: Nature's calls. Begin after a meditation session. Start by remembering the sounds of different birds, and if you can switch to a different bird song. The optional goal here is to include other natural sounds like the wind, leaves, or other animals if you wish.

   Exercise 3: Mental talk show. Begin after a meditation session. Begin to remember the voices of your favorite actors/actresses doing a podcast with your favorite host. Try to follow along with the conversations between the host and actor/actress, really listen for volume, tonality, pitch, pace, etc...

   Exercise 4: Social gathering and small talk: Begin after a meditation session. Bring to mind a memory of either a social event you were in or a location where you're at the cafe or a bench, around other people. Bring to mind every conversation you had face-to-face, with family, friends, or strangers. Listen for pace, volume, tonality,etc. Optional, pretend you had a listening device that allows you to listen further, and eavesdrop on what other people are saying, paying attention to their voices.

   Exercise 5: Echo location. Begin after a meditation session. Construct a simple urban style home 2-3 stories high, with the lighting between dim to midnight so that the house ad it's rooms are simple. Bring to mind your phone, a chirping bird, and another object you're familiar with. Now, imagine each object scattered about the rooms at random, making a familiar noise, and begin locating the general direction; Is it left? Right? Behind? Ahead? Above? Below? then narrow done the direction some more while walking slowly towards the object. If you want, also note the sound of each footstep you make.

   Exercise 6: Thunderstormimg. Begin after a meditation session. Imagine a storm developing, then imagine a lightning strike a distance away from you, at whatever direction it came from. Lister to the thunder, and try to not only locate the direction, but also the distance between you and the lightning.

   Exercise 7: ASMR for the mind. Begin by first listening to an ASMR music, then wait for at least 30 minutes or longer, then after a meditation session. Bring to mind how the ASMR sounded like, as best as you can, to re-create the feels you get from it.

   That's it for this week. In conclusion, not only is training your mind's ear important for listening to your Tulpa's voice, but it also trains your ability to recall memories of different sounds you've had experienced. Also, this training may develop your musical ears, to the point you could become more creative with sounds. If I'm not mistaken, Leo has recently released an episode about Learn= making distinctions, which his second exercise involves distinguishing multiple types of music genres consciously. To build on that, developing your visualization skills will allow you to keep making further distinctions with each element of that visualization you're developing. Keep going, until eventually that vast difference between external and internal sounds become more and more similar until you reach realistic levels of depiction.

   Have a good week, hoped these exercises are simple and enjoyable, and never forget; Destiny is ALL!

Edited by Danioover9000

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@remember  No worries. Like I said, under development :)

   How have you been? I hope you're ok. Whatever it is, it sounds like you're taking a long break. If that's the case, then good break to you!

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   Hello all! Been busy for the past month, am working on some unique practices with my tulpa, and other projects for some other parts of life. I hoped you've done some of the exercises in section two: developing your mind's ear. I've done most of the exercises in formal meditation, but also while going through my day. I could cycle through songs and include natural sounds, and conjure up sounds of thunder and rain.

   Let's move on to section three: developing your mind's skin. We've all had some experiences with meditation, spiritual practices, visualization practices before, we've encountered at some point, especially when we imagine ourselves in a location, encounter some problem when we're trying to use our mind's eye to locate our 'body' in our 'mindscape'. Funny thing is when we try to interact with objects and travel/motion towards mental locations, because our mind is very picky with the body we have currently and the remembered somatic/auditory/visual experiences of our real body growing up, we end up struggling to fully immerse ourselves into a visualized location/mindscape. Much of the somatic memories our minds have is filtered through our real body's skin, which the brain collects as information towards our mind's ability to separate my body/others' bodies/objects/surroundings. Spiritual traditions like Daoism, with their methods like chi gong, tai chi, microcosmic orbit system, standing postures, and more, make use of external/internal somatic experiences of the mind's skin to do their energy/spirit work. Also, Hatha, Kriya, karma, and kundalini yoga, done properly, make use of mainly the mind's skin for energy/spirit work. Paranormal phenomena can involve the mind's skin, like the ability to 'sense presences', 'feel an emotion', 'feel a raise/drop-in temperature' of spirits, and ghosts in the room, aka goosebumps/chills down your spine. Demons/archdemons and deities channeled into the room have this 'heat', and 'heaviness' feeling in your mind's skin, while angels feel the opposite. Contacting entities from other realms or galaxies have this 'alien' feel, and various healing energies, and other energies could be felt.

   If you're interested in developing your tulpa, then having a well-developed mind's skin is great for when you want to interact somatically with your tulpa in a mindscape, or when you super-impose that tulpa to your physical location, you can then feel their touch onto your skin, or guide your hand while auto writing, whether it's real-time or while visualizing. In my opinion, this is perhaps the most rewarding experience in this field, because if seeing and hearing a mental entity isn't enough to geek you out, then wait for when the interaction includes feeling. If you're not interested, then the effort is not wasteful. You can experience more detailed, somatic experiences in your visualization, say, the texture and pressure of your pencil, as you draw a sketch for your dream house in your mind, or doing mental rehearsals on martial arts, sparring an opponent, and simply walking on a sunny beach, feeling the warmth and coolness of the breeze.

   If you're struggling to develop your mind's skin, then start doing isolation training on what aspect of that somatic experience that you're having difficulty in. I recommend some somatic exercises like yoga, chi gong, fitness, martial arts, dancing, and other practices like these to pick up as a hobby, and then remembering what those felt like, what pressures and textures you felt. Be specific.

   I've written instructions on the original post, so here are some changes: if you can do 5-10 minutes, increase by 5 minutes for each exercise (or 1 if you're really struggling), and please feel free to add another exercise appropriate to what you're working on, in this case, it's relevant to the skin. However, if you wish, go multi-sensory on some exercises, but beware that you won't progress slightly faster than another that uses deliberate practice on each element of visualization.

   Exercise 1: Standing feet. Begin after a meditation session. Shift your attention, eyes closed, to a place you're familiar with. In this memory, bring to mind what it feels like beneath your feet, the texture of the ground, and the weight of your body. Try as best as you can to remember every detail of those feelings.

   Exercise 2: Walking on the beach. Begin after a meditation session. With eyes closed, bring to mind a beach you visited and walked through. Remember every sensation beneath your feet, and how much pressure is shifted from foot to foot.

   Exercise 3: Body flows. Begin after a meditation session. If you've done some chi-gong, or not, bring to mind your body's position. Commence with your practices, and pay attention to how the air feels against your flowing body, how you shift your balance, from movement to movement, from head to arms and legs.

   Exercise 4: contact points. Begin after a meditation session. Pay attention to areas of your body that contact parts of your skin, when skin overlaps with skin if that makes sense. Now bring to mind how your clothes feel on your body. Later on the day or next day, in your mindscape, bring to mind yesterdays' clothes and contact points that you've felt.

   Exercise 5: touching hands: Begin after a meditation session. In a mental room, imagine sitting there, and you see some floating hands, like yours. Pay attention to how it feels when a hand rubs, back and forth, along your arm, Repeat this cycle 5 times on the arms, then the legs, then the entire torso and head. Notice the coldness/warmth and texture of those hands on your body.

   Exercise 6: blindfolded fight. Begin after a meditation session. If you've done dances, fitness exercises, or martial arts training or any combative movements, first bring to mind what textures, pressures, and force felt, tension or looseness, you can remember. Now bring to mind a mindscape of some training ground and you see your partner. Your partner could be a human, a beast, an alien, a demon, an angel, or whatever you want to spar with. The sparring session could be about dancing, wrestling, or judo, or aikido, or Jiujitsu, or wing Chun sticking hands, or Tai chi's push hands. Place your hands on theirs, or an arm, shoulder, or lower torso. Notice changes in textures, pressures, and tensions as you are mindful of those feelings.

   Exercise 7: Take a shower/bath. Begin after a meditation session. Imagine taking a shower/bath, with whatever types of oils, soaps, and scented candles you use for yourself.

   That's it for this week. In conclusion, not only is training your mind's skin important for feeling to your Tulpa's touch, but it also trains your ability to recall memories of different somatic experiences you've had. Also, this training may develop your mental body, to the point you could become more creative with movements. Developing your visualization skills will allow you to keep making further distinctions with each element of that visualization you're developing. Keep going, until eventually that vast difference between external and internal sensations become more and more similar until you reach realistic levels of depiction.

   Have a good month, hoped these exercises are simple and enjoyable, and never forget; Destiny is ALL!

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   Hello all, been busy with new opportunities in life. I hope you've checked out and done some exercises in section 3: developing your mind's skin. I've benefitted enough that I could enhance my life vision and predict other people's movements in space.

   Let's move on to section 4: developing a mind's smell. We've done enough meditation, visualization work, and had past experiences that were fond enough to re-live those memories. Some of those memories could include pleasant smells to disgusting ones. Sometimes a smell can trigger deeper memories than other sensory experiences, because of how simple the nose is, due to how also the nose manipulates passing inhaled/exhaled air, it's temperature. Spiritual traditions and occult branches use forms of fragrances to alter the recipients' minds and leave an impression. 'smelling rain', smelling salt in the air, smelling odors not at the room, and psychic abilities that use the mind's nose are some paranormal abilities.

   If you're interested in Tulpamancy, or want to develop a tulpa, then a mind's nose adds another layer of realism to your experience. It also can help trigger memories and seal in an association to your tulpa, and if you happen to come across pleasent orcombination of smells that trigger altered states of consciousness or mystical states, your tulpa can help trigger these states by having some element of odor either on their own tulpa form, or clothes, or in their wonderlands/mental locations, either part of the imagined environment or spiritual objects your tulpa can use. The effort isn't a waste, as when you advance along your visualization powers, you could include smells of interest that lock in those experiences much longer in memory.

   If your struggling to develop mind's nose, I recommend to take up home cooking, shop for spices, and find opportunities in your day to smell stuff. Overtime, this translates over to imagining combinations of smells in visualizations.  

   I've written instructions on the original post, so here are some changes: if you can do 5-10 minutes, increase by 5 minutes for each exercise (or 1 if you're really struggling), and please feel free to add another exercise appropriate to what you're working on, in this case, it's relevant to the nose. However, if you wish, go multi-sensory on some exercises, but beware that you won't progress slightly faster than another that uses deliberate practice on each element of visualization.

   Exercise 1. Smelling roses. Begin after a meditation session. Bring to mind a memory of roses, and imagine it beneath your nose. You may include it's shape, color, weight, and texture on your mental hand. Take a slow inhale, take in it's smell, then exhale slowly. Repeat for 12 times, each inhale and exhale roughly 5-8 seconds. You may use this as an object of concentration.

   Exercise 2. Charring food. Begin after a meditation session. Bring to mind a memory of eating a slightly charred food, or a memory of cooking a food slightly charred. Focus in on the smoke, and take in the aroma of the charring process.

   Exercise 3. Candle aromas. Begin after a meditation session, and a few hours of sampling candle fragrances. Begin to being to mind a room  that contains some candles. For now, bring up 5, and later on increase one by one. Imagine the aroma of candle one as having vanilla, and spend 12 breathes on it. then move on to candle two, and imagine the smell as lavender. Continue to imagine flowery aromas for each candle, or other aromas not flowery.

   Exercise 4. Is this off? Begin after a meditation session. This exercise works more on precision. Bring to mind a food you're familiar with, and smell every detail of it. Imagine a day passes, and smell again, noting any differences. Imagine another day passes, and keep going until you can clearly tell the food is off.

Exercise 5. Altered awareness. Begin after a meditation session. Bring to mind any aromas that excite or put you in a mystical state, and imagine a secured jar. Imagine being inside a very secure room, and a colored paper or some familiar object on the room, either hanging on the wall or on a table. This familiar object will act as a gauge for how altered you awareness will be inside this room, meaning if there's any sort of altered lighting or colors or warping of this real-life object, you'd notice immediately. Inside this secured room, take this jar that contains intoxicating, mind-altering, mystical aromas, and slowly unseal the jar. The aroma slowly flows out of the jar, so colorful and thick with a mirror mirage on the outlines of this foggy smoke. Each slow inhale you take, feel this aroma enter your nose, then down your throat and into your lungs. See it slowly spread this feeling of intoxication, slowly throughout your mind-body. Each inhale, check your familiar object for any signs of warping or lighting. This smell, from this jar, contains in it past experiences of mystical and intoxicating states that alter most of your mind and body, triggering any mystical states. To exit away and return to sober state, imagine each exhale contains the aroma, leaving the body, and breath it into the jar. Repeat until you feel normal, exactly like you were before you started.

  This training will build greater recall and stronger associations using smell. Oh, and you might salivate from food memories. Hope you all have a goof month, and remember: DESTINY IS ALL!

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