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Loving Radiance

Questions & observations about new video How Openmindedness Works

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I begin to laugh as Leo brings up the image that my mother has hatched from an egg. It is so funny to imagine a little child picking through the shell and emerging like one of the aliens from the movie Alien. But then, why is that funny? It is equally mysterious, mindfucking and alien that a being would be birthed through a vagina.

Life Purpose journey

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The video is like a full package. 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

Cleared out ignore list today. 


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At 1:25:10 into the video, Leo talks about how a closed-mind sees itself as open. For example, a religious fundamentalist will say that they are very open-minded and their beliefs are based on evidence. 

I re-watched the video today and posted Leo's opening Aristotle quote on my FB page:

"It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.

And guess what?. . . Lots of people "liked" it and shared it. This includes people that have various ideologies. Both Trumpers and anti-Trumpers. People that I consider closed-minded in some areas. Everyone likes to have the self image that they are open-minded and their views are based on open-minded, objective reasoning. One comment to the Aristotle quote came from a member of my family that is an exclusive FoxNews watcher that I consider to be relatively closed-minded.

"Always listen with an open mind. You never know when you might hear an option you hadn’t thought of before. 

PS: By the way, listening means just that. Replying in an aggressive manner is not listening."

Interesting how she sees herself as being an open-minded listener. And she threw in some right-wing victim mentality for good measure. She doesn't like it when people challenge her ideology.

Update: at 1:330:20 Leo talks about how ideology is like a castle and the moat around the castle is closed-mindedness to protect the castle. Notice how the above person saw those with truth as aggressive attackers to her ideological castle. 

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