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2cb - total forgotten

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I researched this psychedelicum and it seems to be very interesting ( short duration, almost no bad trip, still you can get very deep, if you see leos vido about it). Therefore I ask me why this substance doesn't get much attention on this forum like other drugs (LSD, Mushrooms etc). Is there a reason why you dont take 2cb if you have lsd, mushrooms, 5 meo dmt in your pocket?

For those who had consumed 2cb, can you still recommend this substance?


Edited by OBEler

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I would always usually just take MDMA and lasd at the same time. MD powder is usually always better than a tablet

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@Aaron p I did mdma and LSD. Not a fan of mdma anymore. Was funny when I was a child. Too much pressure.

I wish to introduce my gf who did mdma to 2cb ( half tab each ) for personnal growth contemplation. She was up for mush. And is a bit judgy on LSD. 

Good idea as first psychedelic experience ?  Have a good pure pill of it. Would cut in half. Never did 2cb myself

Edited by GodDesireOnlyLove

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I did 2 cb (powder) about 2 Weeks ago. I used 8 mg boofed. Was quite an amazing trip. I got a lot of anxiety at the comeup but than I could let it go by breaking out into tears. It was like I get cleaned of a lot of supressed emotions. After that I had a realization of love. That it is the only thing that really matters is how much you can love. And than I teared up again out of joy. I could feel it working in my chakras for the next days. After about 3 days I felt really peaceful. It was like I had now enough time to integrate the biggest insights from the trip.

I would definitely recommend it. You are relatively clear in the head compared to lsd and the body feeling is also not so intense. But emotions are very strong even more than as by LSD. It gave me also some very good insights about questions that I had before how to proceed in my life.

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22 minutes ago, Calmness said:

I did 2 cb (powder) about 2 Weeks ago. I used 8 mg boofed. Was quite an amazing trip. I got a lot of anxiety at the comeup but than I could let it go by breaking out into tears. It was like I get cleaned of a lot of supressed emotions. After that I had a realization of love. That it is the only thing that really matters is how much you can love. And than I teared up again out of joy. I could feel it working in my chakras for the next days. After about 3 days I felt really peaceful. It was like I had now enough time to integrate the biggest insights from the trip.

I would definitely recommend it. You are relatively clear in the head compared to lsd and the body feeling is also not so intense. But emotions are very strong even more than as by LSD. It gave me also some very good insights about questions that I had before how to proceed in my life.

thanks for this input ! I m really thinking of a good set & settings, puryfing myself as much as possible before this new trip.

I never triped with anyone really. my friends were on others things at a festival. And I was discovering, then it was always alone at home.

Edited by GodDesireOnlyLove

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I want to add a few things:

Even though I boofed it it gave me quite a bit of nausea so next time I gonna use it with ginger.

I also had intense dreams in the next days that I could remember very well.

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