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Do you think It's over for a new world order ?

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Yeah eventually we'll get to that, the issue is that it cant come from something external to you. So for example we cant just get an enlightened leader and then everyone changes to that, because most likely people will rebel against it if theyre not on that level. I think the evolution is internal as in we ourselves go up maslows pyramid or ascend spiral dynamics and as each person does this it increases the collective consciousness. Once thats at a high enough level, love compassion and all that good stuff will just happen naturally. You can see this in some higher consciousness societies like the nordic countries, although not perfect they tend to trust their government and their government gives them transparency. 

But it depends on the people and what their ideals are, its the same as that saying 'when the student is ready the teacher will appear', ' when the people are ready, the leader will appear'

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yeah but thats gonna take a few hundred to come to fruition, alot countries are still developing and weve made such a mess in Africa and the Middle East but yeah... would be nice, and even developed countries there is so much corruption that a Nwo could easily become a dictatorship, were not ready yet imo

Dont look at me! Look inside!

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@Rilles I mean, there could be already hidden agenda.

being woke doesn't mean, not being "evil",
what is love indeed.

or maybe I missed something.

official data plainsight show us,
it's maybe sooner that we would think, I absolutely don't know .. right.

we have all seen the power of delusion , living it.

Indeed still under a matrix of beliefs.. that could take times, unless "we" do something. Unless "they" do.

High consciousness vs low consciousness, hummm too long to makes people believe ?

what can "we" do ?

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