
Living Life Like There's No Skin In The Game

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This post is a little nudge, a tiny encouragement, to explore and be open to a life where you've got Absolutely no stakes in it. A life where you aren't invested in your ideals, your career, your relationship theories, or anything really. You're just an empty vessel, observing and basking in reality. 

Its a life where, reality just flows absolutely effortlessly. Peace comes effortlessly, Joy comes effortlessly, Love comes effortlessly. 

Its a life where, what people say, do, think or feel about you, does not bring suffering. Including your boss, your loved one and your favourite spiritual teacher.

Its a life where, you don't need to think to get things done. It gets done on its own, and all that happens on your end is watching, observing, enjoying, wondering and appreciating.

All of life, from the neighbour next door, to planets in different solar systems, all integrate and flow together, to form the reality you're experiencing.


But there's a cost to a life like this. Its a cost that is seemingly big. The cost is: surrendering all of your agendas in life. 

That means, surrendering your agendas for your career. Surrendering your agendas for your relationships... and most importantly, surrendering your spiritual agenda.

What's become very apparent to me, is this magical ability for people to know lots about reality: they may have experienced absolute infinity, lots of Joy, lots of Bliss, lots of Love. They may have seen DMT worlds that are beyond comprehension, even for a respected mystical teacher. Yet, just because they know so much, doesn't mean they've fully embodied and live by the experiences that they've seen.

Embodiment is a whole new level of understanding the absolute. You could have a million glimpses, yet would still be infinitely far away from the Truth, if embodiment does not occur.

And this is because, its possible to have a full fledged ego, while experiencing deeply radical, deep, highly truthul and profound mystical experiences. This ego is called a spiritual ego, and its prevalent in places that you would never ever expect: Within Sadhguru, Ken Wilber, Mooji, and a whole host of other teachers. 

That's not to say these teachers are frauds, they certainly aren't. They are deeply wise, courageous and profound people. But they still have egos. And they are not 100% awaken.


To truly live a life, full of joy, love and bliss, you need more than mystical experiences. You need more than just experiencing Absolute Infinity, Absolute Love, Absolute Bliss. You even need more than to know these insights and mystical awareness. What you need, and this is the hardest darn thing, is to surrender the ego. Completely. This ultimately means, surrendering your agendas, and to have faith and trust in reality, that if you let go of ALL control, nothing bad will happen.


Its really hard to do, because your ego is your life. Its your pride and joy, your most beloved toy. It's given you mystical experiences. Its given you the drive to watch and read all the spiritual teachers that you've read about, and apply their teachings. It might have given you a good relationship,  maybe a good career. 

And now, some weirdo electroBeam, is telling you to drop that thing! And replace it with... Nothing?

What if I told you, if you dropped that ego, the world wont cave in, but instead the world will be the exact same as it was before. No you wont stop going to work without the ego, no you wont stop caring for your children and family without it, no you wont stop being nice in your relationships. No you wont turn into a criminal. And no, you won't turn into a vegetable and meditate 24/7. You will be doing the exact same thing you were doing without the ego. The only difference? Doing it with absolute acceptance, love and devotion. And you wont even be doing it, reality will just be playing, and there will just be a watching. And things will be seen, beautiful things, which you didn't see before, because you were too busy being the one that 'does' rather than the entire thing observing what's happening.

What are agendas?

 plans for the future

- how you're gonna convince your boss of a payrise

- excuses you're gonna come up with to cover up a white lie you told.

- moral justifications for actions in the future

- how you're gonna get as enlightened as Leo

- how you're gonna experience absolute infinity

- what meditation techniques you should do

- what spiritual teachers you should listen to

and the list goes on and on. Agendas are what you're gonna 'do'. And why you're doing them.


electroBeam could be wrong, and you must not believe anything anyone says. But I wonder what would happen if instead of doing things, you decided to do nothing? Absolutely nothing? Are you willing to try and see? Its quite an interesting experiment. Will you turn into a criminal, will you somehow spontaneously do what you were already doing? Or will you spontaneously start doing things better than what you did before? Or will you discover something even more profound.


As this is being written, I have no idea what I'm gonna type next. The universe as a whole is creating ever single experience, including typing this message. I have no idea why I'm writing this, who I'm writing this to, and what I'm gonna do next. When I write the word "I", I feel nothing, because there is no investment in the I anymore. Writing I, you, electroBeam, Leo, all the same. And there is no investment in this message. No criticism, complaints, judgements or feelings towards this message will be taken, because I'm as invested in this message, as any other message written in this thread. The writing of this message is literally pure love, not because I'm doing it. Not because I love you. But because the doing of this message is Love itself.

Its a very counter intuitive move, to drop all agendas. And the result is just as counter intuitive. 

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Living as a superconductor! That's one of "my" goals in this work. 

Awesome and inspiring post, thanks! :)

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3 hours ago, fridjonk said:

Living as a superconductor! 


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You read all the fear in my mind lately?

I’m considering to drop this idea cuz of my life situation. I’m highly independent moved to the US 3 years ago from Israel and my biggest fear is to Let go/Surrender in my daily life.

All of my examples to live this life are spiritual teachers or talking about it and I’m not sure if it’s my path..


Thanks for the beautiful writing?

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Awesome message bro, hit the nail on the head, drop the 'Ego' and live life in an effortless state of flow and spontaneity without resistance to whatever is arising and with complete and total acceptance. 

Sometimes, that may mean dealing with a break-up, a death of a loved one, losing your job etc, but that doesn't mean you can't totally accept what has happened, feel the feelings it brings in each alive and spontaneous moment& carry on living. 

Funny thing is, it's always 'been like this' it's always been The Absolute/ God/ The Self running the show so to speak, yet 99.9% are just completely unconscious to this! 

A spontaneous, effortless life, lived in complete acceptance and harmony with what is is truly beautiful. 

And, the funniest thing of all? Dropping the Ego allows your true individuality and uniqueness to flourish. It's the opposite of becoming a white blanket of awareness. 

'One is always in the absolute state, knowingly or unknowingly for that is all there is.' Francis Lucille. 

'Peace and Happiness are inherent in Consciousness.' Rupert Spira 

“Your own Self-Realization is the greatest service you can render the world.” Ramana Maharshi

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48 minutes ago, LfcCharlie4 said:

Awesome message bro, hit the nail on the head, drop the 'Ego' and live life in an effortless state of flow and spontaneity without resistance to whatever is arising and with complete and total acceptance. 

exactly! :x

48 minutes ago, LfcCharlie4 said:

And, the funniest thing of all? Dropping the Ego allows your true individuality and uniqueness to flourish. It's the opposite of becoming a white blanket of awareness. 

Yes! The ego really does just get in the way!

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@electroBeam The Absolute WANTS to experience this 'human', it wants you to be a unique expression, so as well as basking in Non-Dual freedom, we also get to be unique individuals and get to experience this without any resistance, and live life to the fullest! 

The Ego was simply always in the way of us LIVING and LOVING! 

A life without love, is not a life worth living, just look at Voldermort for what an absence of love brings ;) 

'One is always in the absolute state, knowingly or unknowingly for that is all there is.' Francis Lucille. 

'Peace and Happiness are inherent in Consciousness.' Rupert Spira 

“Your own Self-Realization is the greatest service you can render the world.” Ramana Maharshi

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