
Should I change courses on university?

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I had some insights on my personality on my first mushroom trip and saw a lot of things that were repressed: emotions, memories and wants. Now I see that maybe the course I'm in (Mechanical Engineering) may not be what I want to work on. The motivation to choose ME is that I wanted to expand my father's work on this area(he works as a lathe operator, not sure how it's said in English) because I really admired him. Those were somethat Blue/Orange motivations. I'm now at stage Green/Yellow, and after a lot of spiritual experiences I can see that this motivation won't really take me far.

Now, after watching I got an extreme interest in Psychology and I'm thinking of changing courses. I don't know what I should take into consideration.

I live in Brazil and university here is free, you just need to pass the entrance exam. If I decide to change, I'll lose 1,5 year of studying. I'll need to study 6 months for the entrance exam. And there's a huge change I may not pass.

I don't have money for Leo's LP course.

Any suggestions?

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Follow your intuition, and ensure that you are thinking strategically, not reactionary or impulsive. Contemplate your past behaviors--are you a person that routinely does not finish things, or is this a "one-time thing"?

Losing 1.5 years of training may be a tough pill to swallow, but not following your intuition and finishing your program (assuming 4-5 years) and then 20-40 years of unfulfilling work would be tougher.  

Before you make the change, do the research into what your career would actually look like (research, clinical practice, etc.).  Know exactly what you are getting in to before you make the call.

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I have had very similar life decision like yours 2 years ago. I'm also a psychonaut, so here is a little technique of my liking.

I'd say, try to think thid stuff through, be strategic about this decision. Literally reserve an hour a day for a week, where you will close everything off, be alone, take pen and paper and start writing stuff down - ask yourself a question regarding to this decision and try to answer it to yourself, use illustrations if you feel like.

Some examples would be: Why am I currently studying the course I'm studying? Why did I start? What future opportunities does the knowledge I gain during the course ooen up for me? Am I satisfied with the university environment? Do I feel like I have already gained the basic understanding of this profession, so swapping to a different course won't necessarily be a waste (you wont get a diploma, but your mind has been expanded)? What could be better in the different course? Where do I see myself in 10 years, if I make the decision to swap?
Watch Leo's videos on questioning and you will know, how powerful this exercise can be. Come up with your own questions (that is perhaps the most essential part) tailored towards your very own situation.

To close this week of being strategic motherfucker. You can plan another psychedelic trip of low-medium intensity (for me this would be 2-2.5g of shrooms). Stay alone, just like you have been doing each hour every day and even in the same room if possible - to bring out that thoughtfulness you have built up. Now the intention for the trip will be to conclude your week, connect to your intuition and/or infinite intelligence, ask some deeper concluding questions and see, where the trance takes you.

I have smoked nndmt in this way also and it is out of this world, how clear of an answer your can get. So simple yet so profound. Sometimes you might need more trips so it is ok, but space them out - dont rush this. Then make sure to act on that answer and don't let your monkey mind distract you. You will be given gold, so make it into a piece of beauty and don't let the monkey shit on it! :D

Follow your bliss. Trust the Universe, Trust the process.
When I now look back, it feels like a Hollywood movie for when I made these meaningful life decisions and I'm incredibly thankful for it.

Take care and good luck!

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@Espaim "If I decide to change, I'll lose 1,5 year of studying. I'll need to study 6 months for the entrance exam. And there's a huge change I may not pass."

Study and apply law of attraction! If the universe leaves you down the decision to change, then for sure it knows, that you will pass. Trust it and make sure your mindset is like set in "I know I can leave my school now and start preparing for the test, because I know I will pass it - there is just no other way, I will do it whatever it takes".

You will put yourself in a difficult situation... you enter enemy's territory and burn the bridge behind you, so now there is not point of return and the only way out of this is to win the battle! You already have everything it takes.
I recommend the book Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill :)

Just remember... if the universe / your intution leads you down thid path, it has a greater purpose for you. Embrace it and remember that there is NO CHANCE YOU WILL NOT PASS THE TEST - prepare for it and nail it!

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Live your truth. I enjoy Jordan peterson and Shawn T Smith. The recent APA nonsensical crap that's anti masculinity would steer me away. It is anti science and i can only fathom the indoctrination. 

How far away from graduation are you? Buddy dropped out of software engineering with a semester to go? Imho its foolish but he is not very motivated. Maybe you will achieve this but really consider the path. 

I smoked a powerful psychedelic and it was life changing. I have seen some stuff and I wanted to share with the world what it gave me. I am still trying to integrate the experience. For me I want to create a new channel and path rather than the beaten path. 

Good luck. 

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Thank you all! Those were very helpful responses. I'll make use of your suggestions.


If I decide to change, I'll lose 1,5 year of studying. I'll need to study 6 months for the entrance exam. And there's a huge change I may not pass.

I wasn't able to catch my negative self-bias on this one hahaha.

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@Espaim If you want a new and better life, you're going to have to give up the old one. When snakes shed their skin, it can be really painful, and it leaves them vulnerable to be eaten by predators. Changing your path mid-way to pursue a higher goal is scary and risky. But sticking with a career you don't align with can be even scarier. I would make the change, understand the potential dangers and worst-case scenarios (like not passing the entrance exam or having to go to school longer or not having much money), and make a plan so that they don't happen.

Hope this helps!

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