
Year long meditation intensive

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As a highschool student and someone who wants to have money and a life beside spiritually for a while, but aspires to be a great philosopher,  I'm going to do allot this year in emotional preparation for a expedition to Tibet or Dharmsala to learn and practice the 6 yoga and narropa,  which should be intensely difficult, which should happen in 3 years or 2 at least.


Spiritual work

. Daily:2-3h of meditation, taoist yoga and mantras and recitation. Weekly:2 dream yoga intensives, an hour of death contemplation.  Month:2days of meditation retreat (24h of going as hard as possible two times), a day of fasting and insomnia.

Intellectual work

Daily : read a book , everyday. Weekly :Study greek and latin both for 4 hours, 8 hours total. Study global politics happily.

Secular work

Daily : exercise everyday,  work everyday or when I can($). 

The reason I'm posting this is so every month from the first day of 2020 I'll come back and tell you how I'm doing , giving experience, information and inspiration hopefully for your own efforts. I want to come back and be able to say , " wow this is for real", because I honestly don't know at this point.

Edited by Ariesleith

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Good luck. How long have you been meditating so far?

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21 minutes ago, Ariesleith said:


Spiritual work

. Daily:2-3h of meditation, taoist yoga and mantras and recitation. Weekly:2 dream yoga intensives, an hour of death contemplation.  Month:2days of meditation retreat (24h of going as hard as possible two times), a day of fasting and insomnia.

Intellectual work

Daily : read a book , everyday. Weekly :Study greek and latin both for 4 hours, 8 hours total. Study global politics happily.

Secular work

Daily : exercise everyday,  work everyday or when I can($). 

The reason I'm posting this is so every month from the first day of 2020 I'll come back and tell you how I'm doing , giving experience, information and inspiration hopefully for your own efforts. I want to come back and be able to say , " wow this is for real", because I honestly don't know at this point.

Daily:2-3h of meditation, taoist yoga
Daily : read a book , everyday
Daily : exercise everyday, 
Daily : greek and latin studies 1.14 hours

What is your average time to read a book and exercise?

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