The Don

Conscious Politics: Here's What Bothers Me About The Situation We're In

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I've watched Leo's video about conscious politics. It is by far the deepest political analysis I've ever watched. If you really pay attention to the things he says, you'll be amazed and shocked at the same time.

I fully agree with him. We have to put conscious leaders in power so they can integrate psychology, philosophy, ecology and spirituality into our system. The only way we can do that is by raising consciousness across the board.

It's not useful at all to blame the politicians; it's just a waste of time. They are deceived as well as the people who are voting for them.

And right now, our society is requiring enormous human resources to be controlled and maintained. We have schools, institutions, trains, airports, roads and so forth which are all maintained by capable humans.

But the problem is that the Western world (a civilization that gave us human rights) is imploding. Why? Because people are refusing to have enough children. We won't have enough people to continue the scientific work that we're doing right now. We won't be able to come up with a cure for cancer if we're not having enough kids. Nobody is addressing this situation.

It's important to integrate the family value into our system. We need to educate people to make sacrifices and have kids. Otherwise we all know what is going to happen. And right now we are experiencing fewer and fewer births. Where there is a tragic loss of population, the progress stops.

And of course, we have many many problems but this one is a very big one and an inconvenient truth that we really need to talk about.

And by the way, I'm glad that Leo made a video like this. It was really needed.

Edited by The Don
To correct a word.

Me on the road less traveled.

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27 min-58 sec Leo says that 2000 years ago democratic things we have today like everyone can vote, minority rights, soc. safety, freedom of speech were ridiculous to even think about and were rejected as stupid ideas. But today we do have these things, and overall, democratic progress and innovation is a good thing.


Maybe Plato and others 2000 years ago were right? Maybe they, enlightened philosophers, saw that giving voting power to masses won't lead to good, coz masses are unconscious egos! Why give power to unconscious egos. Why give freedom of speech to egos! Why give soc. safety to egos who will parasityse on it. Why to give minority rights to egos, or feminist rights to egos, if egos will only create new identification on it, will demand more, and consume more. Democracy created world of unsconsious egos running amok thinking that their speech or thoughts or needs is real and matter.

MAYBE ideally, voting power shouldn't be given to unawakened people, freedom of any kind especially speech shouldn't be given to everyone, people shouldn't even to be allowed to think freely, ideally! Because it is for their own good! Because lol thinking freely is main thing that keeps us unawakened. Maybe dogma and hard restriction on liberal activities is just necessary in this reality and will be until this reality won't collapse into some heaven where biological survival, thus egos doesn't exist.


Edited by Monkey-man

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@The Don Having young kids made me realize fully how deeply flawed and disconnected society is. Kids are meant to be raised in a tribe, a village or at least a caring community or extended family. The focus on materialism and the individual can make being a parent a devastatingly isolating experience. Stage orange society has made child rearing a living nightmare. 

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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@The Don I disagree that what we need is more people. Population cannot keep growing at the rate it has, period. At some point it had to level out, we are raping the earth. 

The lowering infertility rate could have a lot to do with the decimation of normal sleep cycles. The latest research on sleep (from talks from Matthew Walker) show that getting irregular sleep or getting less than 7-8 hours had a MASSIVE effect on fertility. Testicles are 50% smaller in men who sleep 6 hours or less every night. Much lower sperm count. And that's only the tip of the iceberg of just how terrible lack of sleep really is. It's a global health crisis that hardly anyone is talking about. 

"The greatest illusion of all is the illusion of separation." - Guru Pathik

Sent from my iEgo

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