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Stage green traps

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I was just having a fun conversation with my friends on facebook and we were talking about art. I teasingly asked my friends this question - what is art? am I art? ?? The other question was kind of a joke though, because the answer is obvious. ?

Well, one of the friends is centered at stage green thinking and she immediately replied, that I am an egotistical idiot and that I should look into the mirror and stuff like that xD I didn't take it seriously, but I kept asking her more and more to maybe achieve some interesting dialogue, but I didn't.

I asked her to tell me what is art and then prove, that I am not art, and she simply said, that it is her opinion and that we live in a world of freedom of speech. This made me laugh, but it also made another question arise: 

(It is not like I am trying to make everybody think that I am a piece of art or some shit like that, it was just a weird joke)


Could it be, that some people are holding these opinions as sacred, therefore causing them to be unable to think more deeply, especially stage green people? I am not against freedom of speech, God bless we have freedom of speech, but maybe we should be more strict with defining meanings? 

Is it ever useful to strictly define a meaning? When is it useful, how is it useful? Just trying to find some good questions to contemplate on. 

What do you guys think?

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I'm not sure real sure what this has to do with stage green. In all honesty, it kinda sounds like you just had your ego hurt and wanted to come here to vent. 

“All you need is Love” - John Lennon

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@Apparation of Jack  Nah, we were just joking. Stage green comes with this I feel like a girl, even though I was born a boy. They listen more to their feelings and opinions. An orange thinker would tell you, that they can „measure“ your gender.

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When an unintelligent person wants to end a discussion, they'll use a phrase like "It's a free country", "I'm entitled to my opinion" or "Let's agree to disagree".

Such people have their uses but you won't learn much from them. And yes, they do use it as an excuse to stop thinking.


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@Dan502  Sure, that's probably true. But I like to use anything as an opportunity to learn you know, sometimes you can find good questions to contemplate while talking with an unintelligent person and I also don't feel like being superior to anyone.

Let's move this thread towards the other questions:

13 hours ago, bejapuskas said:

Is it ever useful to strictly define a meaning? When is it useful, how is it useful? 


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18 hours ago, bejapuskas said:

Stage green comes with this I feel like a girl, even though I was born a boy. They listen more to their feelings and opinions.

Green is not as simple as that. Proper Green is as difficult as mathematics.

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@CreamCat  Of course, I am just giving an example. What I wanted to say that a mainly orange individual might disregard emotions and feelings as something nonsensical, whereas green and above can understand them.

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