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Spiral Dynamics Analogies?

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Hey everyone :-)

I'm currently both working on a book about the mechanics of change where I'm sort of sprinkling the Clare Graves model into different historical events etc. and I'm also about to have a presentation/lecture on the subject soon.

I was wondering if anyone has any good resources to describe the subject more objectively? What I mean is if there are some analogies I could use to easily help describe the action taken by the level of consciousness in an everyday situation? It's just to help the people understand very simply how a "stage green"-person for example might think and act in a certain situation.

For example: Sitting at a dinner table, the stage coral person takes the saltshaker while passing the other spices to the other guests based on their need, acting as a leader helping everyone else. (I found this in a video trying to explain stage Coral)

Another example: While in a sinking boat with the opportunity to get rescued, the stage blue person chooses death before life and tells everyone to sit down while accepting their faith, God's will. Sacrificing for the sake of a higher power. (Came up with this myself).


Anyone got any similar analogies/resources?

Thank you!

Edited by QandC

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Wilber has a good example in his audiobook cosmic consciousnsss. 

For instance would you throw a person of a bridge in order to save the train from crashing and kill the pasengers inside. 

Also, the life boat moral question. 

I am not going into full detail, yet for instance on a life boat stage green would say everyone is equal, no one is better, and therefore draw sticks in order to throw someone of the boat and use the food rations therefore longer. 

Red would choose the most powerful and strongest person and dominate the whole situation and choose for instance a gang leader or warlord who would run the show who flies off the boat and who not, based on power, strength, threat level etc. 

Yellow would look for depth and span for instance two hells angles with Albert Einstein a normal couple, and a biology teacher on theone boat. The hells angles have to go. They do not provide a lot of value in the situation and are dangerous people to begin with, since their color code is red. Also, to society they do not provide much value. The biology teacher might know a trick or two to stay alive longer, the normal couple would be tricky to answer since they are a normal couple, to kill Albert Einstein would be nuts, because he provides the most value to society and is not a threat. 

Blue with the train example would jump infront of the train, if for instance his religion or set of beliefs would allow him to do so, for the greater good or god. 

Yellow would evaluate is the person highly valuable to society, who is in the train etc. Which is difficult to answer here. 

Green would not do anything since all lives are equal and who are they to decide etc. 



Edited by ValiantSalvatore

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Be careful which such gross over-simplifications. It's easy to give people the wrong ideas about each stage. 

The whole power of this models lies in its complexity and nuance. You cannot teach Spiral Dynamics properly in 10 minutes.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura The presentation is more of a teaser but thanks for the advice

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