
God, as the architect of the universe

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Studying some classical traditions around the world, I see that a lot of civilizations tend to see the one consciousness as a God Creator, an architect, a forger of the skies.

This interesting stage red/blue interpretation of spirituality sees this one and one only God who is capable of everything and creates life and matter as an extension of his will and his infinite power.

He's also a somehow male figure with the attribute of intelligence and crystal clear design of the purpose of the universe.

This depiction I've always found childish in the past, especially as an adolescent in my absolutist scientific rationalism, but now... I start to see a lot of spiritual wisdom in this highly poetic and somewhat emotionally charged all-loving all-understanding figure. It's almost like these ancient civilizations viewed creation as some sort of One non-dual Person who extended himself to create something out of just One.

Is this poetic figure of a Creator wrong? Or does it have ancient wisdom about spirituality? @Leo Gura if you can explain :) 

Edited by billiesimon

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It is surprisingly accurate. The only inaccurate part is that God has any form whatsoever, or that God is separate from you.

God has no form at all.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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They used this type of father figure ti brainwash society and block Muladhara\Kundalini in people.

As much as people praise the source and forget the material and carnal, people will age faster, desease, conditioning etc. 

The only truth of God is the energy source but if people are mislead and don't know to ground that energy, we have only egos, and dead people inside.


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44 minutes ago, Hellspeed said:

They used this type of father figure ti brainwash society and block Muladhara\Kundalini in people.

As much as people praise the source and forget the material and carnal, people will age faster, desease, conditioning etc. 

The only truth of God is the energy source but if people are mislead and don't know to ground that energy, we have only egos, and dead people inside.


Well it is Father figure joke is on your ego. When you embody Spirit you become Father like as person . All These "stage blue" metaphores are correct. But people do not Wish to embody this because all devilry all devilry has to be washed away and who wants to do it. That's right, nobody or Very small percent of Very wise brave mdfkers. 

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