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Me and the Pope are one. That was meant as a funny blasphemous statement, but it's also true! And it's also true that we both are infallible. Everybody is! It's the ego that believes people in general, including itself, can be fallible.

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Oh noes, Leo has a new video about politics! Conscious Politics - Part 1 - The Deepest Political Analysis You'll Ever Hear -

I'm pretty sure I will disagree with Leo about Donald Trump. :D I wrote in some other thread that I believe Donald Trump is second tier vMeme in Spiral Dynamics, even level turquoise. Well, we will see, I haven't watched the video yet.

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I'm a huge fan of Donald Trump and I also like some of Bernie Sanders' ideas. I want a strong social safety net and also individual freedom.

Horowitz will soon release his FISA report and I predict that it will make Spygate explode on the internet and in mainstream media. And Donald Trump will be proven to be correct, including about the wall, which I first thought of as a horrible idea, like a Berlin wall, but it will be useful for preventing human trafficking both from Mexico AND from the U.S. Even ICE will play an important part in preventing child trafficking and other horrors.

That said, it's also true I have come to realize, that all politics is a part of the global ego. And the global ego is today like a caterpillar that has grown enough and a cocoon is now forming around it. So the role of global politics today is to become stable and corruption removed.

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I like some libertarian ideas but Leo made a good point about how the free market cannot solve everything, such as the court system. Imagine a court system run by for-profit companies, and whoever could pay the most would win the court cases and even be able to pay to have others put in prison. Clearly a horribly disastrous situation. In fact, health insurance as for-profit seems like almost as stupid idea. If you are young, healthy and rich, the private health insurance companies want to help you, but if you are old, prone to disease and poor, the insurance companies don't want to have anything to do with you. Even worse, I suspect that the health insurance corporations are in cahoots with the medical industry so that both sectors can maximize their profits; a win-win-lose situation. Just look at the health care statistics, with more money than ever spent on healthcare and people being almost as sick as before, or maybe even sicker! The overall incentive for the healthcare system as a whole, even with a single-payer non-profit system, is for the system itself to survive, grow and prosper, meaning it needs to keep people sick! And even to make people even sicker. How sick is that?

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With the risk of making Trump supporters think of me as a traitor, I think Barack Obama was great too! We have to look at the very very big picture in my opinion. And look at why things are done in politics from that overall perspective.

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Excellent information presented by Leo in his new video. He said that we humans were not individuals in our early history, we lived in tribes. That made me think that individual freedom will come in the future! Individual freedom on top of a collective system with advanced regulations.

The picture I got was that the tribes in the early history were fighting each other and the bigger and stronger tribes conquered smaller tribes. And it led to the first formation of governments when the tribes got big enough. At first brutish governments but since a tribe is a second order holon, when it becomes very large, the control structure needs to move towards harmony within the individual members in the tribe or the holon becomes too shaky and vulnerable and breaks down. So the automatic move is therefore towards less and less oppressive governments. 

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I post things here to log ideas that I come up with, but it may be useful to do some more explanation for others to grasp my homemade concepts. I wrote that a tribe is a second order holon. So what? What's the difference between a first and second order holon, and why does it matter when it comes to tribes?

A holon as Leo explained in the video is a whole that at the same time is a part. Examples are atoms being wholes that are parts of larger wholes in the form of molecules which in turn can be parts of single-celled organisms and so on. Those I call first order holons. A first order holon is a direct result of nature, such as a living organism.

A second order holon on the other hand is a holon produced as an artifact. A wheel for example is a second order holon that can be a part of a larger second order holon such as a car.

A tribe is a construct made by humans and is therefore a second order holon. That's different than a first order holon, such as a flower. One key difference is that the flower has its own inherent and natural order, structure and control of itself as a holon. Not so with a tribe which requires external and invented control structures that keep the tribe as a holon.

For small tribes the control structure can be simple. Larger tribes require more complicated control structures to keep them as holons. For example a tribe consisting only of 20 people can be managed by a single leader plus a few henchmen. A tribe with 1,000 members requires a more advanced control structure to keep it in place.

But why is there a move towards less oppression by the control structure in large governments? Take as an example a very large second order holon, the Roman Empire, that was able to maintain and even grow as a holon with a ruthless and oppressive government. My idea is that the Roman Empire fell just because it was too oppressive. A holon needs functioning control in order to remain stable. With an oppressive government there is an inherent instability in the holon such as conflict situations between rulers and the people.

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Then what about for example China? That's a huge second order holon and with what we have been told here in the west, a totalitarian and oppressive regime. Will the Chinese government collapse, similar to what happened to the Soviet Union? No, I believe the picture of a ruthless and oppressive Chinese government is very much of a smokescreen and that the Chinese government is actually much less oppressive than that in reality. But we will see what happens in the future.

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I wrote earlier that the goal of global politics today is to become stable and to remove corruption. This will not result in some kind of world government such as an Orwellian New World Order, or even a fair world federation. Because in my theory that would only make the "caterpillar", the global ego, continue to thrive and go on. Instead what will happen is that nations will start to cooperate on a global scale, even the U.S. and China. And the stability that will form will be a part of the "cocoon" that is meant as a status quo state for the world.

The world "butterfly" that will start to develop is not a part of the ordinary global politics, but the butterfly is dependent on nations forming a stable political situation as a protective cocoon. So for the butterfly, global political stability is excellent and necessary.

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But aren't nations a part of the global ego and themselves collective egos? And if so, why would they cooperate on a global level? And even if it is beneficial for the nations to cooperate globally, how can the grand fractal evolutionary scheme of things guarantee to work? After all, look at the problems with international cooperation today. It's still somewhat of a mess and shaky, at least on the official public level.

Egos, including collective egos such as nations, need opponents to fight against. And what opponents are there for the world as a whole? Marsians from outer space, or shapeshifting reptilians from constellation Draco? No, the opponents are the multinational corporations, some as big as nations. So the political leaders in nations need to cooperate in order to keep the multinational corporations in check.

And even if that fails, I believe that there is a hidden galactic level control at the very top of the world power structure, maintaining the integrity of the global holon as a whole.

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The other thing I mentioned is the removal of corruption on a global level. That will require one heck of a tight cooperation between nations. Even between the U.S. and China! And as it is currently there is the Great Firewall of China so the infrastructure of information technology today is inadequate probably for dealing with a global level cooperation against organized crime and corruption.

Trump banning Huawei was then a way of allowing China to introduce a new kind of information infrastructure with Huawei as the leading initial player. That would result in a huge change in the world. It's a highly speculative idea, but I want to mention it in case it's correct, and then I will be able to say: told you so, haha.

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Whoa, the global ego is a second order holon, that's the caterpillar stage. Then what about the butterfly state emerging? That's a FIRST order holon! At least if I have interpreted Bruce Lipton's fractal evolution correctly. Lipton talked about how cells formed our human bodies which then will form the next level in our evolution: a planetary organism. Notice organism, that's something grown by nature, that's a first order holon as opposed to say a government which is an artifact put together through external means, therefore a second order holon.

In practice, then, what this means is that the butterfly stage will emerge, not through us using our iPhones to connect ego to ego, nor primarily through any other external means and technologies. Instead the butterfly stage begins with us individual humans transcending our egos and start to connect on a spiritual level one might say. Spiritual might sound a bit new agie, but it will be some form of connections via the vacuum energy that everything is made of.


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Another thing with first order holon development is that since it's an organic growth it's nothing that we ourselves need to do. I don't have to convert myself from an "ego cell" to an "imaginal cell", even if I could.

And yet another thing is that when we have grown organically into imaginal cells then we will still be able to interact with the ego cells, but the ego cells can only interact with us on the global ego level, not with us as a growing butterfly. That's pretty wild. I wonder what that will be like.

Edited by Anderz

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Transhumanists claim that they will be able to live forever with the use of things like biotech and nanotech. Ray Kurzweil, who doesn't like the term transhumanism, even said that our bodies will be made of computronium, physical matter that is intelligent and programmable, basically making our bodies able to shapeshift into any form. Could be possible! And very soon historically speaking, such as within this century, because of the accelerating progress of technology (Kurzweil has predicted a technological singularity in 2045).

However, if the idea about a planetary organism emerging organically is correct, then transhumanism is the wrong way since it cements the global ego in place and what looks to us as incredible advancements are actually severe limitations compared to the planetary organism.

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Something puzzling I came to think about is that maybe death is an illusion. But what about all people who have died in the past? The answer is that nobody has died in the past because the past is timeless information in the now and only that. How can timeless information die? It can't! So death is a total illusion.

And maybe thoughts like that are only puzzling to my ego. And when I grow into an "imaginal cell" instead of an "ego cell" what seemed puzzling to the ego will seem obvious and logical to the imaginal cell self.

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Even with death as an illusion, the ego can still continue to grow old and die. The ego itself is an illusion. And the world is still very much dominated by the ego illusion. But we can start to recognize the illusion as a delusion and stop believing in it. For example I have started to believe that I will NOT die. If that's true it means that the whole world basically is in a deluded state.

It's similar to Plato's cave allegory:

"In the allegory, Plato likens people untutored in the Theory of Forms to prisoners chained in a cave, unable to turn their heads. All they can see is the wall of the cave. Behind them burns a fire.  Between the fire and the prisoners there is a parapet, along which puppeteers can walk. The puppeteers, who are behind the prisoners, hold up puppets that cast shadows on the wall of the cave. The prisoners are unable to see these puppets, the real objects, that pass behind them. What the prisoners see and hear are shadows and echoes cast by objects that they do not see. Here is an illustration of Plato’s Cave: 


Such prisoners would mistake appearance for reality. They would think the things they see on the wall (the shadows) were real; they would know nothing of the real causes of the shadows." -

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Then what about politics and Donald Trump and so on, is that also like Plato's cave? Yes! But that can be interesting to follow. Just like how a movie can be interesting to watch. The outcome of the movie is already determined, such as Trump winning in 2020, but nobody knows exactly the full script so it will be very interesting to see what happens.

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Another possibility I find interesting is that we can look at our own entire personal past as in Plato's cave allegory. Your whole past life is like a movie. And if you are identified as an ego, then you believe that the main character in the movie is you yourself! Total delusion! Complete madness, lol.

That's an incredible perspective. I can potentially recognize my whole past as a movie, and the character I believed to be me doing this and that in the past is NOT me. The past is real, but there are no actual people in the past.

For example, I did NOT post my previous post. That post and this post are a part of the "movie". And you did not do anything yesterday. You didn't even exist yesterday. Nobody did.

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Actually, Leo said something similar about how we didn't do anything in the past, something like that. So my idea is maybe not so radical that I first thought. Still, pretty incredible though. That I have never existed in an actual past separate from the now. And nobody has. Nobody has done anything. Ever. Mindblowing perspective.

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Nobody can predict the future other than for simple things. It's way too complicated. Also, with the butterfly effect, even the tiniest event, such as a drop of rain falling on the ground can cause huge changes later on that can be vastly different depending on whether the drop hit the ground one nanometer to the left or to the right. That uncertainty, although deterministic, is caused when nonlinear systems are very sensitive to initial conditions.

Therefore reality changes a lot all the time, sometimes is unpredictable ways. So when the ego is too firm in its plans or wants to know what to do in the future, that causes confusion because it's an impossible demand in many cases.

Edited by Anderz

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