Stoica Doru

Things that cause you to backslide

3 posts in this topic

The whole notion of backsliding is composed of multiple dominoes. If you are aware enough of the proximal act or moment that made you backslide, you should be fine next time, given that you learned your lesson.

Here's the list:

- excessive talking (gossiping, arguing, whining)
- eating low vibrational foods (sugar, meat, junk food)
- excessive use of technology (the radion it emits interferes with your chakras, therefore with your psychological balance)
- being imature (this is very relative and very unimportant things might be included here, depending on the person, but deep inside you know what's it all about)
- not taking care of your body (forcing it, depraving it of needs) 
- not respecting a decent daily routine
- exaggerations of any kind
- thinking or intending uncouncious things (the psychosomatic system alerts you, you only need to notice)

These subtle things lead to old behavioral patterns that you have been fighting with most of your life and, when you think they're gone, wave after wave, mistake after mistake, you'll find yourself in the middle of the storm again. Make sure to watch Leo's subtle addictions video, as it contains some subtle detrimental triggers that you might've not thought of. 

You don't need to take this list seriously or memorize it. Your inner child already knows what harms you and It, too. He's the God within You. Honor Him and the rest will be just fine.

Much love to everyone. 

Ain't it funny how men think?

They made the bomb, they are extinct.

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Backsliding is not defined by the thing itself, it depends if your ego uses these things in order to run away from something and distract itself. Stop fighting against these things and figure yourself out first.  After that these things will fall out of your life automatically, because you will be to aware to actively sustain them, Dont hate on these habits too much, let them play out naturally, sometimes you need to hit bottom sometimes in order to make big change happen. Really see how you are deluding yourself

I know you're tired but come. This is the way - Rumi


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@Stoica Doru Backsliding can become the norm  when you feel like the momentum is on the wrong side. If we were to think about it's polar opposite, i would think of momentum pushing us from behind and moving us forward.

Question to consider throughout the day:  

How can i forward momentum in this area of life? (Ex: Health, focus, organization skills, productivity, etc.)


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