
If I were to die

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@Robi Steel Solipsism. Again. Pretty fucked up really. Now if there is no me saying that, then it must be coming from God. I don't have a choice in what I say, right? Well, as God, I think this is a sick joke. 

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8 hours ago, Nahm said:

@Shaun Right that’s why I’m asking. It’s not like that though. Once, twice, maybe three times, and you’ll see, there was never anything to fear. It’s not the “infinite” big deal it’s made out to be. It actually turns out, you’re really awesome. I see it plain as day. I see your awesomeness. 

Now I just have to see my awesomeness. Somehow. I sit and be present with fear every single day and it doesn't get any easier. It is intense in the morning especially.

“Words are like Leaves; And where they most abound, Much Fruit of Sense beneath is rarely found.”

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@Paul92 "You" dont have a choice? There is no separation between you and god. When you will this sentence into existence, God is willing this sentence into existence. God is not some entity or some higher order, you are god personally. When we say that you are god that doesnt change anything about you or your life, it just puts you in a different context

I know you're tired but come. This is the way - Rumi


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@Robi Steel So, if I am God, even I don't have free will or a choice. How can I will something into existence before it exists? Same with a thought, how can I think a thought before I have thought it? So who is controlling God?

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@Paul92 Just observe how you are doing it right now in this moment. Moment to moment you are actualizing your present experience. This is beyond causal chains, it is a direct ability. You cannot explain the universe by causal chains, because you always come back to nothing, how did something come out of nothing.

The truth is that nothingness never became something, you are still nothing. It is just that nothingness has no limitations and there is nothing that is not possible for it. You are judging whats possible in this world. But before the world, there was no set of possibilities. Things being possible only make sense in a limited experience and ruleset which didnt exist before the existence of the universe.

You are using magic to create words out of nothingness because that is possible. God is creating reality out of nothingness every second. 

I know you're tired but come. This is the way - Rumi


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@Shaun In short (very short), the fear is from having learned to think about, or perceive yourself in a diminishing way. The feelings (terrible ones) are because you’re trying to superimpose perspectives which are not true. You are Love, you are The Truth. You are Worthy of all you could ever imagine.

 Someone, or you, or you & someone, in your past, developed a negative idea of you and you believed it. No idea of you is true though. Ideas are ideas. 

You are True Love. 

You are not any ideas, or thoughts of this world. 

You can purge it with meditation, writing about what you’re feeling when meditation gets overwhelming.  After doing those for a while, meditation becomes calming & serene. Then start self inquiry. Also, take advantage of all resources available to help that process. Psychoanalysis, opening up to someone trustworthy, art, reiki, massage, singing, yoga, etc. It all adds up, and breakthroughs start happening.  



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